MBA Preparation: What GMAT score can be considered good for applying to ISB Hyderabad with an average academic profile?

1 Answer

Uday Pawar Posted On - Jan 30, 2023
Studied Finance at Indian School of Business (2004)

Generally speaking anything above 750 is a good score for admission to IBS Hyderabad. But even a high GMAT score does not guarantee admission to IBS Hyderabad because the shortlisting is profile-based. GMAT score is just a part of the entire selection process. You need to improvise your profile by working on other aspects also like 

  • essays
  • profile
  • academics
  • extracurricular activities

Academics: Your 12th class marks graduation grades, post-graduation, and certification scores along with the GMAT cutoff is considered in your academic profile.

Leadership: The leadership skills of the aspirants are tested on the basis of their prior achievements and roles.

Personal attributes: This comprises your personal qualities like hobbies, talents, and extracurricular skills. Aspirants from diverse work experiences, cultures, and educational backgrounds are welcomed at IBS Hyderabad.

So along with preparing well for GMAT, give importance to these parameters as well to increase your chances of admission.



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