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What am I missing out on joining IIM Kozhikode over IIM A B C ? How is it gonna affect me in the long run?

Pranjal Tiwari Posted On : November 17th, 2022
Former Assistant Manager (PO) at The Lakshmi Vilas Bank (2017–2019)

The average package you'll accept is determined by your own efforts. When compared to ABC, the level of competition will be slightly lower throughout.

More importantly, IIM-K is known for its greenery rather than its competitive academics, which is unfortunate but does not imply that people are not intelligent. When compared to IIM- ABC, the level of library facilities is lower.

It's good that you have AMBA accreditation and some other important accreditation for a B-school.

When compared to the top three IIMs, the level of teaching and research would be comparable or slightly lower. Although admission to IIM-K is not easy, your talent is appreciated. There will be numerous opportunities for you to reinvent yourself.

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Can I get into IIM Kozhikode with 99.5 percentile and 7.33 CGPA?

Amit Lad Posted On : November 11th, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode

Your percentile is not the only deciding factor for IIM Kozhikode admissions. I have seen instances where people with 99.78 percentile couldn’t make it while people with lower percentile and CGPA made it into IIM Kozhikode.

This is because IIM Kozhikode prefers a balanced score in each section and a good overall score. It even considers your 10 and 12 marks. They also pick students from versatile backgrounds.

Low CGPA is not an issue for admission into IIM Kozhikode. Your overall score should be appealing enough to get you in.

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What do you think about IIM Kozhikode's MBA in liberal studies?

Hrishi Ganu Posted On : November 11th, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode

IIM Kozhikode’s MBA in liberal studies is a fresh change from the traditional MBA. It helps in the comprehensive development of students. Moreover, IIM Kozhikode has the best faculty when it comes to Humanities & Liberal Arts in Management.

Some amazing features of this course are:

  • It teaches the students soft skills like management, empathy, leadership, etc which go a long way over hard skills like complex excel models, and well-researched reports taught in traditional MBA.

  • The course is a good choice because of its content. You will have to select many of the Humanities & Liberal Arts electives to complete their degree requirements.

  • Companies considering HR, or Consulting roles will definitely prioritize you.

IIM Kozhikode’s MBA in liberal studies offers a fresh perspective and is not a bad choice.

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What does it take to be a gold medalist in an IIM or to be specific in IIM Kozhikode?

Kavya Posted On : November 11th, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (Graduated 2014)

IIM Kozhikode offers 4 medals in total.

3 for top 3 GPAs- Based on scholastic performance

1 for Best all-rounder- Based on many factors like review, Faculty review, Extra Curricular, Case competitions, and studies.

For the top 3 medals, all you need to do is excel in academics, and score the highest CPA.

For All Rounders you need to be good in everything. Be it studies, interactions, or extracurricular activities, you need to be good in literally everything to bag this medal. Having good relations with everyone will definitely help you get this one.

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How good is the placement scenario at IIM Lucknow and IIM Kozhikode?

Gaurav Jain Posted On : November 14th, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (Graduated 2019)

Placements at IIM Lucknow are better than at IIM Kozhikode. But it seems the placement reports exaggerate the actual figures. Many students remain unplaced at these big B Schools making many questions their credibility.


IIM Lucknow

IIM Kozhikode

Number of offers made



Average CTC

INR 31.03 LPA

INR 39.2 LPA

Highest domestic CTC


INR 61.5 LPA

Highest international CTC



Median CTC


INR 26.5 LPA

Top Recruiters

Microsoft, Myntra, Vodafone

Amazon, Microsoft, Accenture 

Percentage of Students Placed



The above table will help you in comparing the placements of the two IIMs.

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What should I choose, IIM Kozhikode or XLRI HRM?

Sambhavana Patel Posted On : June 23rd, 2021
Studied at Xavier School of Management (2019)

I’ve got a few friends who graduated from these colleges, according to their experience, the key to any choice is whether you are comfortable with it or not.

XLRI has by far the best faculty in HR in Asia. Some of the professors have made frameworks taught across the world.

Almost every alumni from XLRI is an HR in a great organization in a great position is from XL. Your career progression would be very very fast. Once you join XL, there is no going back. Although you can switch from HR to Sales/Marketing, later on.

Seeing the other side of things, IIMK is a world-class institution offering the standard PGP course in General Management that all IIMs offer. As compared to HRM, there is a wide variety of specialization from operations to marketing to finance and consulting. The decision can be made post the first trimester with the help of seniors and faculty who are well versed with the ins and outs of every field.

Another important question is about switching from one function to another. Yes, it is possible to switch from HR to another function but the expectations would be on the lines of HR to Sales & Marketing because of the similarities in the work that both of these functions do.

HRM is not all about transferring people or paying salaries, etc. It’s how to leverage the human resource of an organization strategically to provide a competitive advantage. This is what HRs from XLRI are expected to do in their respective organizations.

To summarize, go for HRM if interested in the field. If you’re not yet sure about what else to do, go for IIMK and make the choice later.

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How helpful is an EPGP course at IIM Kozhikode for an IT professional’s career growth?

Ayera Irfan Posted On : November 11th, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode

EPGP course at IIM Kozhikode helps IT professionals learn important facets of business such as finance, marketing, HR, organizational behavior, operations, and strategy.

IIM Kozhikode is the best for EPGP. Of the many benefits offered by this course, the diverse knowledge and brand value of IIM top the list.

My cousin is an IIMK EPGP alumni. Today she is an IT professional with 14 years of experience. According to her some major pros and cons of this course are as follows:


  • Surreal campus

  • Excellent professors for finance, marketing, and operations.

  • Students from diverse backgrounds make it a more appealing experience.

  • Workshop at the end of the year helps in practical lessons.

  • Second year offers the option of electives. So you can choose different topics from different streams based on your interests and career.

Cons: The only con is that campus visits are as rare as 4 in 2 years.

The EPGP course at IIM Kozhikode is extremely beneficial for an IT professional’s career growth.

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How does IIM Indore and IIM Kozhikode compare head to head on placements?

Arpita Kalra Posted On : November 17th, 2022
IPM from Indian Institute of Management Indore (2022)

The final placements of IIM Indore's 572 participating candidates from the two-year flagship Post Graduate Program (PGP) and the five-year Integrated Program in Management have been completed successfully (IPM).

Over 180 recruiters, including more than 30 new recruiters, offered prestigious roles to IIM Indore's batch of 2022, reaffirming the industry's trust in IIM Indore as one of India's leading business schools. The average package was a record-breaking INR 25.01 Lakhs, representing a 6% increase over the previous year. The top 100 students received packages worth an average of INR 37.95 Lakhs, while the top 200 students received compensation worth an average of INR 32.75 Lakhs. The institute's median salary increased by 6.6% to a new high of INR 24.09 Lakhs. On campus, the most expensive package is INR 49 lakhs.

IIM Kozhikode recently finished its 2022 placement drive for the 24th batch of PGP, as well as the inaugural batches of PGP-F and PGP Liberal Studies and Management (PGP-LSM). 116 participating recruiters, including 39 new recruiters, made 571 offers to 546 students. The Highest CTC and Average CTC increased by 31.3% and 32.5%, respectively, to INR 61.5 LPA and INR 29.5 LPA, and the Median CTC increased by 32.5% to INR 26.5 LPA.

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Is attending IIM Kozhikode a good decision?

Megha Jain Posted On : November 11th, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode

Whether attending IIM Kozhikode is a good decision or not, you can know only after knowing the pros and cons of the same. 


  • Campus: IIM Kozhikode is well known for its resort-like campus surrounded by lush green scenery. The natural ambiance helps students get a breath of fresh air amidst back to back classes.

  • Faculty: The faculty at IIM Kozhikode is not as responsible as the older IIMs. This means you are responsible for your own education. They do provide excellent classes but they treat you more like adults and you have to be your own motivator.

  • Hostels: The hostels are the best in the country. The safety here is top notch. The public and hostel toilets are very clean.

  • Academics: The academic rigour is as good as that at the other older IIMs. IIM Kozhikode offers a number of interesting courses in the second year like Strategy of Poker.

  • Placements: All the usual recruiters that you find at other older IIMs visit IIM Kozhikode. In addition, there are a lot of opportunities to work in the Middle East.

  • Student activities:There are a large number of student activities on the campus of IIM Kozhikode. There are clubs for Dramatics, Photography, Astronomy, Fine Arts, Quizzing, and a host of other extra curricular activities.


  • Slow decision making:IIMK has not had a Director for more than 2 years. So, a lot of decision making has become slow.

  • Increasing batch size: The increasing batch size might affect key resources like canteen facilities, water, and internet bandwidth.

  • Limited sports facilities:The IIM Kozhikode campus has limited sports facilities. The students have to go to the nearby NIT to play Badminton and Tennis.

  • Food:If you are a vegetarian, there would be limited options for having a meal outside the campus.

The pros weigh out the cons and it’s actually a good decision to join IIM Kozhikode. 

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Is it worth doing MBA EPGP part-time from IIM Kozhikode/Indore considering I work in small scale IT firm and will be helpful to get a valuable job in market after the completion.My firm doesn't sponso

Manish Chandra Posted On : November 14th, 2022
PGPM from Indian Institute of Management Indore(Graduated 2022)

MBA EPGP is beneficial in case you are a working individual and want to pursue MBA alongside. In such a case, an EGPG MBA from IIM Kozhikode or Indore is not a bad option. But in other cases, other MBA options are better than EPGP. Other options include:

  1. Executive MBA from any IIM or other Institutes

  2. Regular MBA

  3. FPM (Doctoral Program) from any IIM

Make your decision on the basis of fees, course period, and worth to you.

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