XAT 2023 Registration Deadline Extended to December 11

New Delhi: XLRI Jamshedpur has extended the deadline to register for XAT 2023 exam to December 11. Earlier, the last date to register for the XAT 2023, was November 30, 2022. 

The XAT 2023 exam will be conducted by XLRI Jamshedpur on January 8, 2023 in about 79 cities. This year, the exam timings have changed from 9:30 AM to 12:40 PM to 2:00 PM to 5:10 PM. 

The latest reports suggest that Prof Vishwa Ballabh, XAT Convenor and Chairperson of XLRI Admission saying that the XLRI Jamshedpur  has decided to extend the deadline XAT 2023 registration until December 11, 2022, which is due to the requests received from the students. 

XAT 2023 Registration: Important Dates

Tabulated below is the schedule of XAT exam 2023 below:

XAT 2023 Events Important Dates 
XAT registrations begin August 10, 2022 
XAT 2023 registrations end December 11, 2022 
XAT admit card download December 20, 2022 
XAT exam 2023 January 8, 2023 (2: 00 PM to 5:10 PM)
Result announcement January 31, 2023 

Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) is conducted by XLRI Jamshedpur, for granting admissions to the MBA programmes offered at XLRI, K J Somaiya, IMT, XIMB, TAPMI, XIME and other 140 MBA colleges in India.

XAT 2023 Registration: How to Apply?

Candidates will need to register for XAT 2023 online at the exam website and fill the application form via login. Go through the following steps to register online. 

Step 1: Visit the XAT 2023 website or click here: https://xatonline.in/

Step 2: On the home page, Click on 'Registration', Enter name, phone number, email ID, password and captcha code

Step 3: Verify registration by opening the link shared in email

Step 4: Fill relevant details in the XAT application form 2023, Select 2 test cities, XLRI courses and college

Step 5: Upload photo and signature and Pay the XAT fees via debit/credit card or net banking

Step 6: submit and take a printout of the application form for future reference. 

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