XAT 2021 Exam Today (January 3); Check Exam Guidelines, COVID-19 Precautionary Measures

XAT 2021: XLRI will be conducting XAT 2021 today, January 3, 2021, in computer-based mode. Earlier, the institute issued guidelines and COVID-19 precautionary measures along with admit cards of the XAT 2021 exam. 

XLRI Jamshedpur is going to conduct XAT 2021 at several exam centres in 70 plus cities across the country from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm with all the COVID-19 precautionary measures. If candidates fail to follow any guideline, their candidature will be cancelled.

Registered candidates of XAT 2021 have been asked to reach their respective exam centres strictly according to the allotted reporting time to avoid overcrowding. Security staff will also be able to complete the identification process in a convenient manner.

Candidates must strictly follow social distancing and must have Arogya Setu App pre-installed on mobile phones. The guidelines and safety measures have been released in a detailed manner by XLRI Jamshedpur with the release of admit cards.

Read: XLRI Jamshedpur Admission 2021

XAT 2021: Guidelines for Candidates 

The following section gives the guidelines issued to be followed in XAT examination. Candidates should follow the guidelines mentioned below on the day of the XAT 2021 examination. 

  • Breakfast should not be skipped before appearing for the XAT 2021 examination
  • To avoid any confusion, candidates should read the instructions carefully and follow them
  • Check the appropriate address of the XAT 2021 exam centre before leaving for the exam and carry a passport size photograph
  • Candidates should reach the exam centre on time. Candidates will be permitted inside the examination before 10 minutes of the commencement of exam and will not be allowed after 9:20 am.
  • Only candidates will be allowed inside the examination hall. Guardians, relatives and friends accompanying the candidates will not be allowed.
  • Rough sheets and pen will be provided inside the examination hall
  • Candidates should submit the XAT 2021 admit card and rough sheet after the completion of the examination. 

Read: XAT 2021 Last-Minute Preparation Tips

XAT 2021 Exam: COVID-19 Guidelines 

Candidates appearing for the XAT 2021 examination must mandatorily follow the COVID-19 guidelines mentioned below:

  • Candidates must reach their respective examination centre at their allotted time mentioned in the admit card to avoid overcrowding. 
  • Candidates must bring their own mask, a personal hand sanitiser (50 ml), transparent water bottle, respective documents (admit card, Identity proof, etc.). No other belongings shall be permitted inside the exam centre.
  • Candidates must have Arogya Setu App pre-installed on their mobile phones and the dashboard must show the risk-factor.
  • If the candidate does not own a smartphone, they must bring a signed declaration form and will have to show the same at the entrance.
  • The candidates’ temperatures will be checked at the entrance via a thermal gun, and the candidates with acceptable temperature limits will be permitted.
  • The candidates showing symptoms of COVID-19 will not be allowed to enter the examination venue.
  • Mapping of the lab number and XAT Id will be mentioned in the admit card instead of outside the venue, to avoid overcrowding.
  • The candidates will be directed to sanitize their hands at the registration desk and photographs will be captured during the registration process.

Check: XAT 2021: Admit Card Released @xatonline.in; Exam on Jan 03; Direct Link Here

XAT 2021: Important Instructions, Documents to Carry to Exam Venue

Candidates appearing for XAT 2021 must note the important instructions mentioned below:

  • Candidates will not be permitted inside the exam venue after the gate closure, i.e. after 9:20 AM. No justification shall be entertained in case of delay.
  • Any kind of electronic gadget, jewellery, jackets, calculators, watches, or any other metal item is strictly prohibited inside the exam venue. Candidates are advised to wear plain sweaters or cardigans.
  • Candidates showing non-cooperative behaviour during the frisking and identification process will get barred from the examination.
  • No arrangement for the storage of candidates’ belongings shall be made. The candidates must make their own arrangements.
  • Candidates will be permitted to log in to their respective systems 10 minutes prior to the commencement of the examination. Before that candidates must go through the instructions properly.
  • Rough sheets and a pen will be provided to the candidates in the XAT exam centre lab which will be submitted before leaving the venue.
  • Candidates will be under CCTV coverage throughout the examination. Any candidate found cheating or indulging in any sort of malpractice will be disqualified.

Also Read: XAT 2021 Decision Making Preparation

XAT 2021: Documents to Carry to Exam Venue

Candidates must carry the documents mentioned below on the exam day with them:

  • XAT Admit Card
  • Identity proof (Aadhar Card/ Voter Id Card/ PAN Card/ Valid College Id Card/ Passport/ Driving License/ Employee Id Card) 
  • Two passport size photographs (one must be affixed on the admit card). 

Note: The photograph should be the same that was uploaded at the time of the XAT application.

Check: XAT Exam Pattern 2021, Marking Scheme, Important Topics, Best Books

XAT 2021: Important Dates



XAT 2021 

January 3, 2021 

XAT 2021 Answer Key Release

January 2021 (2nd week) 

Last Date to Challenge XAT 2021 Answer Key

January 2021 (2nd week) 

XAT 2021 Result

January 2021 (2nd week) 

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