The West Bengal State Board has released the evaluation criteria for classes 10,12 Results today. Earlier,the exams were cancelled by the state government due to the COVID pandemic situation.
The marks evaluation pattern for WBCHSE Class 10th and WBCHSE Class 12th have been released by the State Board today, on June 18, 2021. The results are expected to be announced in July, 2021 by the state Board.
For class 10 students of the WB Board, a 50:50 formula would be used and the results will be evaluated on class 9 results and class 10 internal examinations.
While, for the students of class 12 the results would be based on a 40:60 evaluation formula as per which the board will be considering the Class 10, 11 and class 12 internal exams results for the results.
Earlier after the announcement of CBSE Class 12 exams cancellation the WB state government also decided to cancel the WB state board exams. This decision was taken in view of the surge in COVID cases across the state.
In the 2020-21 session, Over 12 lakh students have registered for Class 10 exams and 8.5 lakh students have registered for Class 12 exams under WB State Board.
As per the recent reports, the results for WB Board exams for both Classes 10 and 12 will be announced in July, 2021. The students should keep checking the official website of the state board for the latest updates regarding results.