UGC to Release Fellowship Funds Without Monthly Confirmation from Institutions: Full Report Here

University Grants Commission (UGC) will be releasing research fellowship funds without confirmation from institutions to reduce hassles amid COVID-19 pandemic.The stipend will be paid out through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode which credits the amount straight to bank accounts of scholars.

UGC Vice-Chairman Bhushan Patwardhan stated during a press release that the institutions are involved in all the significant phases during the fellowship process of the scholars, there is no direct necessity for the monthly confirmation. 

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There are no major changes in the details of bonafide scholars on a monthly basis, added UGC Vice-Chairman Bhushan Patwardhan.He added that the institutions have faced tough times while functioning during the pandemic. 

The scholars were also not able to visit the campuses so the alternative approach was a practical approach. Mr. Bhushan further stated that they were facing some technical issues with Canara bank due to which there was a delay in transferring the stipend but was resolved later.

Senior Research Fellowship Faisal Nair from Sitamarhi, Bihar pursuing Ph.D. from Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) stated that he had faced major issues in receiving a stipend in the last five months. He hoped that the aforementioned decision would help receive his stipend with ease.

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He stated that they go through a tedious process of submitting the forms of continuation, HRA, and contingency after which they need to get the documents signed by the supervisor, HoD, and registrar.

It becomes more hectic for the ones who stay away from the University as the process requires paperwork and frequent visits to the University, he added.

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Ahmad said, “The SRF meeting was fixed on March 24, 2020, but was cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak. After the second meeting in October, I got the SRF committee report after one month, which I submitted to the university branch. However, I have not been upgraded yet.” 

“I was unable to pay the mess bill and faced difficulties in continuing my research; hence I returned to my hometown in Bihar, but I want to return to Delhi as soon as possible,” he added.

Though UGC’s move has provided relief among the scholars regarding timely disbursal of stipend, direct transfer of funds without monthly confirmations from institutions may lead to financial chaos.

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