TS POLYCET 2020: 71% Seats Filled in First Phase, Check Details Here

The Telangana State Board of Technical Education and Training (SBTET) on Wednesday released a report which informed that total 71 per cent polytechnic seats were filled in the first phase of seat allotment.

As per a press release issued by the SBTET, out of the 1,012 seats, 22,064 were filled and 8,948 are vacant in the first phase. While total 45,207 had qualified in Telangana polytechnic common entrance test (TS-Polycet) of which 27,759 had exercised web options.

Read More: TS POLYCET 2020 Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme and Syllabus

Moreover, the board also informed that out of the 54 government institutions, intake was filled completely in 40 institutions.

Likewise, of the 73 private unaided institutions, 100 percent intake was filled in seven institutions.

Payment of Fee for Seat Allocated

Candidates who have been allotted the seats will be required to pay the tuition fees by September 26. 

“After payment of Tuition Fee, if the candidate cancels the provisionally allotted seat through online on or before September 27, the forfeiture of tuition fee is in accordance with instructions given in TS-Polycet 2020 detailed notification,” read the press release, adding that all the provisionally allotted candidates shall report at the allotted college from October 5-6.

As per sources, the academic session is likely to commence tentatively by October 7. While the orientation session is likely to be held from October 7 to October 14 followed commencement of classwork from October 15.

Read More: TS POLYCET Result 2020 Declared @polycetts.nic.in, Download Rank Card here
