TS LAWCET 2020 Result Declared @lawcet.tsche.ac.in; Direct Link Here

Osmania university has released the TS LAWCET 2020 result today, November 6, at the official website: lawcet.tsche.ac.in. 

Candidates who appeared in TS LAWCET 2020 can check their results from the official portal using login credentials. The result has been published as scorecards that mentions rank, roll number and candidate details.

The Official Notice Read:

“As per the decision of the Telangana State Council of Higher Education, the Results of TS LAWCET (3 & 5 years course) and TS PGLCET (LL. M.) conducted on 09.10.2020 will be declared on 06.11.2020.”

Earlier, Osmania University conducted TS LAWCET 2020 on October 9, 2020 (10:30 AM-12:00 Noon) in two shifts in a day, majorly in the state of Telangana with a few exam centers in Andhra Pradesh as well.

TS LAWCET 2020: How to Check Result?

Follow the steps mentioned below, to check TS LAWCET 2020 result:

  1. Visit the official website:lawcet.tsche.ac.in
  2. Click the TS LAWCET 2020 result link
  3. Enter registration number, date of birth and hall ticket number.
  4. Click on the Download option.
  5. TS LAWCET 2020 result will appear on the screen
  6. Download it for future reference

Direct Link: TS LAWCET 2020 Result 

TS LAWCET 2020: Tie-Breaker Rule 

Two or more candidates securing similar marks will be allotted inter-se ranking based on following tie-breaking criteria:

  • Candidates with higher marks in Part C questions are preferred first.
  • If tie exists, candidates having more marks in Part B allotted higher ranks 
  • To finally resolve a tie, candidates in a higher age group will be preferred.

TS LAWCET 2020 Result Declared: What Next?

As the results are declared, candidates can apply for TS LAWCET 2020 counselling. Based on the scores obtained in the exam, students will be allotted seats in participating colleges. 

About TS LAWCET 2020

TS LAWCET is a state-level entrance examination for admission in 5-year and 3-year LLB programs offered by Law Colleges in the state of Telangana.

Check: TS LAWCET 2020 participating colleges 
