Unipune Online Exam 2020: University to Conduct Mock Test @sps.unipune.ac.in

Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Pune has released a time-table to conduct online mock-tests for the final year students.

Students, who are registered for the exam can appear for the mock-tests to get an idea about it. Examination for final year students of SPPU is already scheduled from October 12, 2020, online on the official website of the university.

Mock-tests are being organized by the university for the familiarisation of the instructions and procedure to successfully appear for the examination.

Latest: Unipune Result 2020 (Declared): Check @ unipune.ac.in

Unipune: How to take Mock Test?

  1. Click on the URL: sppu.wheebox.com/LOGIN-2/sppu.jsp
  2. Now, log in using your login id and password.
  3. Read the instructions and click on the start of the examination.
  4. Once you attempt all the questions, click on submit and confirm it.

The final year examination will start from Monday i.e, October 12, 2020. A total of 1.97 lakh candidates are expected to appear for the SPPU final year examination.

In case of any concern, reach out to webmaster@pun.unipune.ac.in. 

SPPU Support Team Helpline Number: 9717796197

Read: SPPU: Revised Marksheets Released for About 6000 Students

SPPU Online Exam 2020: Basic Instructions

Students who are appearing for the examination can follow the guidelines/instructions given below to complete the mock-test examination.

  1. Students will have to click the mock-test link given on the official website: sps.unipune.ac.in/app
  2. Students will be provided with a login id and password. Login id and password will remain the same for the mock-test and final examination.
  3. Students are required to have a Laptop/Desktop/Smartphone with an internet connection.
  4. Students using laptops should have Windows 7 and above. Students using MacBook and iPhone can appear for the examination on the Safari browser.
  5. Mobile applications only work for Android users.
  6. Students are asked to submit only after completion of the examination. Students who accidentally click on submit will have to confirm again before final submission.
  7. In the case of Internet failure, the final submission will not be possible and the examination will be rescheduled.
  8. If the internet connection is slow then, images and tables will load slower.
  9. In case students are facing any technical issue during the examination, can reach out to the wheel box support team or SPPU support team.

Read:  Unipune Exam 2020: Pune University Backlog Exams to now Commence from December 8

SPPU Online Exam Pattern 2020

  • All the questions are Multiple Choice Questions.
  • Each question carries 1 mark.
  • A total of 50 MCQ type questions are to be attempted in 60 minutes however, 20 extra minutes will be given to specially-abled students.
  • Students can use a calculator during the examination.

Schedule of Mock-test

Students can attempt a maximum of 5 mock tests which are scheduled as given below.

  • October 8, 2020, from 3 pm to 6 pm
  • October 9 to October 11, 2020, Anytime between 10 am to 6 pm.

Read: Pune University Admission 2020: SPPU declares Result for Mass Communication Admission
