SNAP 2021 Second Slot Exam Analysis: Check Paper Pattern, Key Changes, Difficulty Level, and likely Cut Offs

SIU Pune is conducting the SNAP 2021 exam in three slots. The first slot has already been conducted on December 19, 2021. While the second slot was held on January 8, and the third slot of the SNAP 2021 exam will be held on January 16, 2022. 

This year, over 50,000 candidates have applied for SNAP and out of which a total of 45,000 candidates are expected to appear in the SNAP 2021 exam being held at 94 test cities in India on three dates. 

According to applicants who took the test, this year's SNAP question paper duration was 1 hour and had a moderate to high difficulty level. This might result in a higher percentile with a low score. On January 8, 2022, the SNAP 2021 second attempt exam welcomed test takers with a similar format and difficulty level as the first attempt of the SNAP exam.

SNAP 2021 Exam: Highlights 

Name of the exam 

Symbiosis National Aptitude (SNAP) 2021

Conducting body 

Symbiosis International University (SIU)

Eligibility criteria 

Graduation/Bachelor’s degree with 50% (45% for SC/ST)

Exams slots

3 slots 

Exam type 

National type 

Exam Frequency


Exam purpose 

Admission to MBA/MSc courses offered by 16 institutes which accept SNAP scores 

Exam centres 

96 exam centres 

Exam Date

January 8, 2022

SNAP results 

February 1, 2022

Official website

This year, the SNAP exam duration has been reduced to one hour and the exam is scheduled on three slots. Out of which students can appear for two slots. 

Earlier, the first attempt of SNAP 2021 exam was conducted on December 19 from 2 PM to 3 PM, while the second attempt of SNAP 2021 is scheduled to be held today, on January 8, 2022 between 10 AM and 11 AM. The third attempt of SNAP 2021 will be held on January 16, 2022 from 10 AM to 11 PM. 

The difficulty level and expected cut offs for SNAP 2021 second exam are likely to remain the same as were for the first exam. The exam conducting authority released the SNAP 2021 admit card on December 24, for the second attempt of the SNAP 2021 exam being held today, on January 8, 2022. 

SNAP 2021 Participating Colleges 

SNAP 2021: Exam Pattern

Section name

Total questions

Total marks

Marking scheme

General English




Analytical & Logical Reasoning




Quantitative, DI, and Data Sufficiency







SNAP 2021: Exam Pattern

The SNAP 2021 question paper followed the format shown below.

  • The SNAP Test 2021 duration is 60 minutes.
  • The SNAP scoring pattern is one point for every right answer. As a result, the maximum score is 60.
  • In SNAP 2021, the negative marking is 0.25 points.
  • The candidate may take the SNAP 2021 exam up to two times.
  • The scheduling of the three SNAP test dates varies.
  • The best result of the candidate out of the two attempts will be considered for the final percentile calculation.
  • The candidate had to select whether he or she would appear in SNAP once or twice well in advance, and no later than the application deadline.

SNAP 2021 Exam Pattern 

SNAP 2021 Sectional Composition

Total SNAP Exams

3 Exams

Exam Dates

December 19, 2021 and

January 8, 2022

January 16, 2022)

Duration  60 Minutes
Question Type MCQ
General English: Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Ability 15
Analytical & Logical Reasoning 25
Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency 20
Total Questions 60

SNAP 2021: Exam Analysis (First attempt)

The following table illustrates the exam analysis of the first attempt of the SNAP 2021, which was held on December 19, 2021. 

Section name

Difficulty level

Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency

Moderate to Difficult

General English- Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning and Verbal Ability


Analytical & Logical Reasoning

Easy to moderate 



There were 60 questions in total and the candidates were required to answer all the questions in 60 minutes in the first attempt of the SNAP 2021 exam. According to the initial student’s reaction, the overall difficulty level of the paper was reported to be easy to moderate. 

Students' reactions revealed that the overall difficulty level of the SNAP 2021 Exam to be easier than the previous year. The University will declare the SNAP 2021 result on February 1, 2022, followed by the SNAP 2021 cutoff. Based on the previous year's analysis, it is expected that the cut off for SIBM Pune will be 99+ percentile. 

SNAP 2021 Analysis: Cut Offs

Colleges Cut Off Score
SIBM (Symbiosis Institute of Business Management) 39-41
SCMHRD (Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development) 38-40
SIIB (Symbiosis Institute of International Business) 36-39
Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management (SIOM) 34-35
SIBM (Symbiosis Institute of Business Management) 31-33
SIMS (Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies) 30-32
SCIT (Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology) 30-32

SNAP 2021 Exam Centers

This year, the SNAP 2021 Exam is being held in exam centres located across 94 cities in India. Candidates could choose their preferred exam city while filling the application forms for SNAP 2021. 

The details of the allotted SNAP Exam centre will be mentioned on the candidate’s admit card. Candidates must carry an identity proof along with their SNAP 2021 admit cards while appearing for the SNAP exam. 
