Tamil Nadu Open University M.A Admissions 2015

Tamil Nadu Open University established by Government of Tamil Nadu by an Act of Legislative Assembly in the year 2002. It is first open and distance learning of the state and offers more than 100 courses.

The application form should be submitted before April 30, 2015 for the calendar year and October 31, 2015 for Academic year Batch.

It offers Masters of Arts in the following streams:

  • English
  • History
  • Public Administration
  • Political Science
  • Tamil
  • Social Work
  • Sociology
  • Economics
  • Tourism and Travel Studies
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice Administration

Duration: the minimum time for completing Course in 2 years and maximum is 8 years

Tamil Nadu Open University M.A Eligibility:

The candidate should have Bachelor Degree in the relevant stream from any recognized University. There is no minimum age criterion.

Tamil Nadu Open University M.A Application Process:

The Application Process is given as under:

Step 1: Application forms: the application forms can be obtained in the following:

  • In person: the applications can be obtained from University Sales Counter, Study Centres/ University Coordinating Centres on payment of INR 100 in cash
  • By Post: the application is also available by sending DD of INR 150 drawn by nationalized or Scheduled bank in favor of "Tamil Nadu Open University" to be payable at Chennai on the following address:
The Director,
MPDD, TNOU, 577,
Anna Salai, Saidapet,
Chennai— 600 015

Step 2: Submitting Application: The applications can be submitted at the study centres approved by university or Admission wing of the University in Chennai In person or by post along with University copy of Challan.

Also see:

Tamil Nadu Open University Courses

Tamil Nadu Open University Course Fees



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