Polytechnic Colleges to hold MCQ-Based Online Exams in July: Check Important Details

The Technical Education Council has officially released an order notifying that the annual examination in the polytechnic institutions (even semesters) for all the students will be conducted online in July in a truncated form based on multiple-choice questions (MCQs) due to the pandemic covid-19 circumstances. 

According to the official, the annual examination will be a multiple-choice questions (MCQs) examination of a shorter duration. Students will be required to answer 50 MCQs for a duration of 90 minutes. 

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On June 22, An order was issued to the principals and directors of polytechnic colleges through a letter written by Sunil Kumar Sonkar, secretary, Technical Education Council, stating that the students can either take the annual examination from their home, or a cyber cafe, or on their smartphones, laptops and desktops. 

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The council has also advised all the polytechnic institutions to conduct a mock test to make students understand and be comfortable using the software. As per the order, the MCQ-based paper will include sections of all subjects. While final semester students will have a single paper, other semester students will have two question papers of 50 marks each.

However, the dates for the demo (mock) test will be declared shortly. The council has warned if students fail to take the mock test and then they will struggle during the exam, for which they will only be responsible. An official said that as the students had been traditionally appearing in pen-and-paper examinations, a need was felt to facilitate all the students to appear in a mock test so that they can understand the exam format. 

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Furthermore, the annual exams will be held in two parts. The exam will be held first for the final year polytechnic students. After which, the exam will be conducted for the first and second year students, said the official. 

For a long time, many polytechnic students have demanded the Technical Education Council to conduct mock tests ahead of the annual examinations as they have no prior experience of taking online exams. 

Meanwhile, the biggest worry for the students is connectivity as many of them reside in remote areas of the state. There are 141 government and 1217 private polytechnic colleges in the state in which 2.5 lakh students are enrolled for the courses. 

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