PMB Karnataka Time Table 2020 Announced, Check Here

Paramedical Board, Karnataka, has released Para Medical Board Karnataka Time Table 2020–online at the official website ( The exam timetable provides the details regarding the exam date, day, time, session, max. Marks, and Q. P. Code. 

The Para Medical Board exam will begin from October 4 to October 07, 2020. The board will conduct a PMB annual exam in two sessions (Morning & Evening). Students need to register to appear for the Paramedical Board examination. 

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The students must meet the eligibility criteria mentioned below before appearing for the exam.

  • Minimum required attendance
  • Assignments submitted on time

The eligible candidates must appear for the Paramedical Board exam as per the schedule. Moreover, students must carry the admit card and a valid identity card on the day of the exam. During the examination, the admit card of every student shall be verified by the examiner.

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Paramedical Board Karnataka Time Table 2020: How to download?

Paramedical Board Time Table is available online on the official website. To check the Exam Time Table 2020, follow the simple steps.

  • Visit the official website.
  • On the homepage, visit the Notification section and click on the exam timetable link.
  • Check the timetable. Download it and take a printout of the same.

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Paramedical Board Karnataka Time Table 2020: Printed details

  1. Exam Name
  2. Session
  3. Exam Day & Date
  4. Exam Time (Morning and Evening shift)
  5. Subject Name and Code
  6. Max. Marks
  7. Q.P. Code
  8. Special Officer Signature

Important Instructions for Examination

Students need to follow the necessary instructions while appearing for the examination mentioned below:

  • Candidates must reach their respective examination centres half an hour before the time of commencement of the examination.
  • Candidates will not be allowed to come after the commencement of the examination.
  • Verify the version of the question paper (Q.P.) Code and scheme before attempting the question paper.
  • Mobile Phone/Pager, Scanner pen or camera, or any electronic/digital gadget, etc. are strictly prohibited inside the examination hall.
  • The authority will treat students with any electronic gadgets as Copy Case (U.F.M. Case).
  • During the exam, students shall be debarred if any kind of malpractice is found from the examination immediately.

Preparation Tips Regarding the Examination

Para Medical Board Karnataka holds annual and supplementary exams for many courses every year. Candidates need to work hard to qualify their respective subjects and move to the next semester with no backlogs. 

Candidates can follow some preparation tips regarding the examination as mentioned below;

  • Candidates must take important notes and focus more on the topics taught in the class.
  • Students shall prefer the books prescribed by the faculty.
  • Follow a proper study timetable.
  • Go through the previous year's question paper to know the exam pattern.
  • The student must revise the syllabus daily and prepare further accordingly.
  • If any doubt, the student can take the guidance of concerned faculty.

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