People's Education Society University (PESU), Bangalore has commenced the slot booking process for PESSAT 2020. Reservation of date and time will be on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Candidates can visit the official website of PESU to book slots for upcoming examinations. Once the slot is booked, the hall ticket will be generated. Candidates are requested to book the slot carefully, as the request to change will not be accepted at a later stage.
PESSAT 2020 will be conducted in 23 cities of India, from August 1 to August 20, 2020.
The city-wise exam dates are mentioned below:

PESSAT 2020: Admit Card
After completing the slot booking process, candidates can download the PESSAT 2020 Admit card. Verify the date and time allotted and download the admit card.
Details mentioned on the admit card are :
Name of Exam |
Conducting body |
Candidate's name |
Candidate's address |
Roll number |
Photograph & Signature |
Date & Time of PESSAT 2020 |
Exam Center and Instructions |
Discrepancy in PESSAT 2020 Admit Card
In case there is a discrepancy in the information mentioned on the PESSAT 2020 admit card, candidates can reach out at the below-mentioned helpline number and email address.
Email Address:
PESSAT 2020- Helpline number
+91 80 26721983
+91 80 26722108