Pearl Academy Signs MoU with University of Creative Arts, UK for International Transfer Programme

Pearl Academy and the University of Creative Arts, a leading creative arts university of UK have signed a Memorandum of Association (MoU)

The MoU will enable students of Pearl Academy to progress to the programs offered by UCA through a seamless transfer of credits.

The collaboration will be fruitful for the existing and future students of Pearl Academy who will enroll for programs in 2020. These students will be able to transfer their credits to UCA and study at one of the four campuses of UCA.

In addition to the collaboration, both the institutions will work together on curriculum development, international projects, sharing of best practices, and faculty-exchange which will promote collaborative learning and development.

The association with UCA is the recent in the series of MoUs and academic tie-ups that Pearl Academy already has with the UK-based Nottingham Trent University, University of Derby, Manchester Metropolitan University, and Torrens University in Australia.

In all the three UK University league tables, UCA is the No.1 specialist creative university in the UK. The university is also ranking at 13th position of all UK universities in the main Guardian League Table 2020.

Read More - Pearl Academy Releases Admission Schedule for June 2020
