NIT Srinagar and IIT Delhi Join Hands to Increase Performance Efficiency in Academics and Research

December 26, 2020: A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between National Institute of Technology (NIT) Srinagar and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi to work together on academic activities.

The collaboration between NIT Srinagar and IIT Delhi has been done for the purpose of increasing performance efficiency in Academics and Research. 

The areas for collaboration include mutual interest, exchange of students and faculty exchange of academic information, scholarly information, materials and publications.

The MoU also benefits NIT Srinagar students to get direct admission to Ph.D. courses offered at IIT Delhi. For research programs, proposals have been made to work together under the MoU with the approval of the Head of each institution or their representative.

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The nominee will be elected by the respective institute in a cooperative program. Both of the institutions will be planning their individual programs of work and jointly nominate each other.

If any mishap occurs during work in either of the property, then neither NIT Srinagar nor IIT Delhi will be held responsible for it. Moreover, it is not required of them to purchase any insurance against the loss or damage to the party while working together.

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