NIAB PhD Admission 2021(Started): Apply

NIAB(National Institute of Animal Biotechnology), Hyderabad has recently invited applications from the highly motivated candidates for admission to various Phd courses for the academic session 2021-22. Candidates can apply for the NIAB admission 2021 from the  official website, (

NIAB PhD Admission 2021: Important Date

Below mentioned are the important dates that candidates must follow before applying:



Start of Online Application April 1, 2021

Last Date of Application

April 30, 2021

Interview of the Eligible & Shortlisted Candidates

May7, 2021

May 8, 2021

Date of Joining

June 1,2021

NIAB PhD Admission 2021: Eligibility Criteria

It is very important for the candidates to go through the eligibility criteria before applying for the NIAB PhD courses. 

Candidates are advised to check the eligibility criteria as given below:

  • Aspirants willing to seek admission to PhD courses at NIAB must have a Master’s degree (M. Sc., M. Tech., M. V. Sc. or M. Pharm.) or MBBS or Bachelors degree in any branch of Life Science.
  • Candidates must mandatorily have secured CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR/INSPIRE NET JRF/UGC-RGNF or any other national research fellowship for 5 years.
  • The terms and conditions will be governed by the awarding agency and further subject to the rules and conventions of the Institute.

Essential Documents required for the Admission to NIAB PhD Course:

Below mentioned are the essential documents required to apply for admission to NIAB PhD Courses:

  • Eligible candidates can apply online through the official website ( )
  • Soft copies of certificates in terms of date of birth, educational qualifications, reservation category (if applicable), and fellowship examination qualifications must also be uploaded.