NFSU to Organise A Two Day National Level Workshop and Competition on Crime Scene Investigation

New Delhi: The School of Forensic Science (SFS) and School of Law, Forensic Justice & Policy Studies (SLFJPS) under the National Forensic Sciences University are organising a Two Day National Level Workshop and Competition on Crime Scene Investigation.

NFSU will organise the event on November 22 and 23, 2022. It will be held in offline mode in the NFSU Campus. 

AIM of the Workshop

The workshop aims to provide a platform to all the stakeholders of the criminal justice delivery and administration system in order to help them in understanding crime scene and crime scene management better.

Brochure of the Workshop on Crime Scene Investigation: Click Here

Eligibility Criteria

The workshop was designed keeping in mind the interests of Criminologists, Law Enforcement Officers, Forensic professionals, Academicians and Students. 

The competition will test the students on the basis of their merit as well as the skills related to various aspects of crime scenes like crime scene photography, sketching, securing evidence, and chain of custody. Through these activities, the participants will simulate the situations that criminal investigation professionals encounter.

Registration Process

Candidates need to register for the workshop through a google form and by paying the registration fees. The application fees is:

  • For professionals: Rs. 1500 
  • For students and research scholars: Rs. 750

The registration fee is inclusive of registration for the event (workshop and competition), lunch and high tea of both days. 

Important Dates

Interested candidates should keep the following dates in mind to register for the workshop:



Last date of Registration

November 16, 2022

Crime Scene Management Workshop

November 22, 2022 (Tuesday)

Crime Scene Management Competition

November 23, 2022 (Wednesday)

FEE Details

Bank Name

Punjab National Bank (Savings Account)

Branch Name

Jalseva Bhavan Branch, Sec-10, Gandhinagar

Account Name

National Forensic Sciences University

Account Number




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