New Delhi: The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) has released the list of applicants who had applied through state counselling and had also taken part in the mop-up round of all India counselling. These candidates will be dropped before seats are processed for the mop-up round.

Candidates who registered for NEET PG 2022 round 1 or round 2 of the national NEET PG MCC as well as state counselling will now be eliminated if they do not withdraw before November 17 at 6 p.m. The Medical Counselling Committee notified that a total of 43 applicants are involved in this predicament.
It is also important to note that 43 candidates (Annexure-II) have joined seats in Round 1 or Round 2 of All India Counseling conducted by MCC of DGHS as well as in State Counseling organised by State Counseling Authorities, according to data obtained up to this point.
In order to avoid having their names removed from the list of candidates joined through respective state counselling authorities and losing their claim to their joined seat, such candidates must either resign their seat that was acquired through state counselling by 6:00 PM on November 17, 2022, or make sure that their names are crossed out of the list of candidates so obtained.
The Online Master of Dental Sciences (MDS) Counseling has also received the same notification.
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