New Delhi: The Supreme Court's decision on the petition for delay of NEET PG 2022 is unacceptable to the protesting candidates. With only a few days remaining for the exam, applicants are taking to social media to share their concerns.

SC while denying to postpone NEET PG 2022 said, "Any delay in conducting the exam will result in fewer number of resident doctors. This year only 2 sets of doctors are there. The request cannot be entertained due to the reason that it would have effect on the patient care and the career of the doctors."
Meanwhile, the students are also planning to hold a protest tomorrow morning at 10 am at gate no 2, Supreme Court. Many candidates are ready to join the protest tomorrow and are expressing their interest through Twitter.

Dr Datta of AIIMS Delhi tweeted, "WHAT A MOCKERY! Supreme Court dismisses plea to #POSTPONENEETPG2022. It is going to held as scheduled! "Apparently, postponement will create chaos and will impact patient care and will cause prejudice to over 2 lakh students!" DUDE! 95% of them wanted POSTPONEMENT! UNBELIEVABLE!"
Many junior doctors are posting on Twitter that they were showered with flowers and called Covid warriors just a year ago, but now they are having trouble getting appointments with those who can. "They will come flower shower if at all the 4th wave hits," one user tweeted. Another user posted, “All organizations of doctors must pressurize GOI to give up callous and insensitive attitude towards demands of medicos for postponing NEET PG-2022 test.”
Earlier, doctors and student associations have also submitted their requests to President Ram Nath Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. And the All India Medical Students Association (AIMSA) has requested the Supreme Court of India to postpone the NEET PG 2022 exam by 10 weeks.
However, there have also been indications that the states are less interested in delaying the NEET PG 2022. "We met Union Health Minister and discussed with him the postponement of NEET PG 2022. He said only seven states want to postpone and we are looking into it", stated IMA president Dr Sahajanand Prasad Singh.
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