Mumbai Schools and Colleges To Remain Shut Till Further Notice; Says BMC

Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has declared that schools and colleges in Mumbai are to remain shut until further notice. As per the plan, the educational institutions were to open from January 16 but the council has decided against it owing to the second wave of Covid-19.

BMC has stayed put in its decision on the physical reopening of schools and colleges in Mumbai till further orders. Earlier, the suburban schools and colleges were to reopen on January 16 but due to the second wave of COVID19 in some states in the country, the boards are now firm with their decision.

Mahesh Palkar, BMC Education Officer had issued a circular which said Mumbai Schools to Reopen after January 15, 2021, for consulates schools but currently, there is no word on it.

Education boards are permitted to conduct the physical examinations from January 18 onwards for class 9-12 students.

Various schools have resumed their physical classes for 9 to 12 in other districts and areas of the state except in Mumbai and Thane from November 23 onwards with necessary precautions. 

The Health & Education Ministry have issued the SOPs and guidelines for resuming the physical classes which are to be followed by the State and Central Government. 

Nashik and Nagpur districts are already operating normally from January 4 for classes 9-12 whereas urban and rural areas of the district resumed in the first week of January.

 Moreover, the Maharashtra State Board Examinations are scheduled to begin after April 15 for HSC and after May 1 for SSC students. Maharashtra Education Minister Varsha Gaikwad has announced that the datesheet will be released soon for the same.

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