MUHS Releases Notice On Submission Of Internal Assessment For Winter 2022 Exams Phase 2

New Delhi: The Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) has released the notice on the submission of internal evaluation for phase 2 of the winter 2022 exams, which will only be applicable to the exams commencing on December 13, 2022. 

The MUHS has announced to all parties involved that the connected Colleges must hold Internal Assessment Examinations in accordance with Section 47 of the University Ordinance No. 01/2014.

Beginning on December 3rd and running through December 8th, an online submission form for internal assessment marks will be made available on the university website.

The Online submission of Internal Assessment marks will be released on the University website w.e.f. December 3 to 8, 2022.

Online Internal Assessment (IA) Marks Submission:

Step 1: Visit ""

Step 2: On the home page, click on Online Internal Assessment Marks submission link

Step 3: For login enter registered Mobile number of college, select User Type 'College' , enter Captcha answer & Click on Login Button.

Step 4: OTP received on registered Mobile number Verify OTP button.

Step 5: Follow below steps for IA marks submission

  • Click "Menu" ->" Ex 1 Int. Access ->" IA Marks Submit"
  • Click "Show IA Marklists"
  • Click "Subject" Name
  • Thereafter Student Names will appear, Click on "Student Name".
  • After Clicking on Student name, Marklist will appear.
  • Enter Marks and click the "Save Marks" button.
  • Follow above Step-c to Step-f for all Students in a Subject.
  • To preview the marklist, click the "PreView" button.
  • After saving all Student marks in a subject, a "Submit above batch Marks" button will appear and click it to finally Submit Marks.

The Internal Assessment mark list (Hard Copy & Soft Copy) must be delivered to the University on or before December 8, 2022. The University won't allow any more extensions.

Repeater students' internal assessments must only be done in the relevant subject. The Colleges must keep an internal assessment record for repeat students in the accompanying format and transmit it to the University in the form of an online marksheet.

According to BOE Resolution No.07/2007 dated 08.01.2007, the rounding off marks must be done as shown in the following table when preparing final marks for internal assessments.


Internal Assessment Marks

Final Rounded Marks

15.01 To 15.49


15.50 To 15.99


It has been noted repeatedly that some institutions have contacted the university to request a modification in internal assessment marks after the initial submission OR even after the final result has been announced on different flimsy reasons. 

Once grades have been submitted by the College to the University, no requests for "changing of marks" will be taken into consideration. Therefore, it is decided that lists of internal assessment scores will only be accepted in cases where the student has violated them and they are countersigned by the college's HOD or dean in accordance with Ordinance 1/2014. Any college-level clerical error will be the responsibility of the Dean and the relevant HOD. 

Hence, the Colleges are urged to discuss every aspect before submitting final internal assessment marks lists to the University.

The Colleges shall be fined or penalised in accordance with the University's guidelines under Notification No.09/2011, which was issued on March 11, 2011, if they fail to submit internal assessment marks (both hard copies and electronic copies) within the allotted time frame.

The University will be forced to withhold the students' hall passes if the students' internal assessment results are not submitted. The University will also withhold the hall passes of students whose grades are submitted without a signature, and any resulting harm to the students will be the responsibility of the relevant College.

The Internal Assessment marks must be reported to the University within the allotted time period, and the Dean or Principal of the Colleges must make sure that everyone is aware of this circular.

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