MP Board Exam 2022 Timetable Released for Class 10 and 12; Exams from February 12; Check details

Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) has released the Schedule of MP Board Exam 2022 for class 10th and 12th practical and theory exams for the academic session 2021-22. 

The MPBSE has scheduled the Class 10 and 12 theory exam to be held from February 12 to March 20, 2022. Whereas, the MPBSE Class 12th and class 10th practical exams 2022 will be conducted between February 12 and March 31, 2022. 

The MP Board will shortly release the complete MPBSE timetable 2021-22 on its official MPBSE website The MP board announced the release of the MPBSE Class 10 and 12 timetable 2021 through a social media post. 

MPBSE tweeted that the board has planned to conduct the theory and practical exams for class 10th and 12th, Diploma in Pre-Vocational School Education (DPSE) and Physical Education Training Patropadhi from February 12, 2022. 

MPBSE Class 10th and 12th Exam Pattern 2021-22 

The MP board has decided to conduct the board examination according to the new pattern proposed in the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020. The question papers for both class 10th and 12th will consist of 40% objective, 40% subjective, and 20% analytical types of questions. 

Earlier, the objective-type of questions consisted of 25% only. However, this time, the new NEP exam pattern has been applied for the academic year 2021-22. 

The theory part of the MPBSE Class 10th exams is just 80 marks and the remaining 20 marks is for the practical or project worm. However, for Class 12th, the theory portion is for 70% and the remaining 30% marks are allotted for the practical exam. 

All the students appearing for the MPBSE Class 10 and 12 theory & practical exams 2021 should note that no changes have been made in the old professional NSQF and DLEd courses. 

MP board Class 10 and 12 Timetable 2022: How to Download? 

Students can go through the following steps to download the MP board time table 2021-22, once they're released on the official MPBSE website. 

Step 1: Visit the official MP Board website

Step 2: On the homepage, navigate to the latest notification page and click on the link, which says, MPBSE time table 2022 for class 10th and 12th. 

Step 3: Select either class 10 or 12th time table 

Step 4: MPBSE time table 2021-22 will appear on the screen. Now, save and download the time table for future reference.

Students are required to track the official MPBSE website regularly to keep themselves updated about the latest update on the MPBSE Class 10 and 12 theory and practical exams 2021-22.