More BITSAT 2020 Admission Iteration Expected; Result to be Announced on Nov 22

BITS Pilani is expected to release more BITSAT 2020 Admission Iteration. Following the release of BITSAT 2020 iteration 6 results, authorities are now likely to conduct one more admission iteration on the basis of the response to the new offers made after iteration 6.

According to the official notification, in case of remaining vacant seats due to some of the students withdrawing after joining, BITSAT 2020 Iteration 7 result might be released on November 22, 2020. 

Check BITSAT 2020 Counselling

BITS Pilani had declared BITSAT 2020 iteration 6 results for admissions to first-degree programs in BITS Pilani on November 17, 2020, at 5 PM.

Read: BITSAT 2020 Iteration 6 Result Declared Today (Nov 17); Check Assignment Here

As of now, BITSAT 2020 cut-off for admission to any of the B.E./M.Sc. programme is 240. The institute has informed that if there will be vacant seats (more specifically in few programmes), the admission window will be opened to candidates whose BITSAT score is less than 240.

Read More: BITSAT 2020 Cut-Off

BITSAT 2020: Documents Required for Admission 

Candidates need to have the following original documents and their attested photocopies for verification:

  • Class 10, 12 Mark Sheet
  • BITSAT Score Card, Counselling Letter
  • Passport Size Colored Photograph
  • Address Proof
  • Photo ID Proof

Read More: Institutes Accepting BITSAT Score
