MICAT 2022 Phase 2 Exam Held Today (Jan 29); Check Exam Analysis Here

New Delhi: MICAT 2022 phase 2 exam was successfully held today, January 29, in online mode from 9-11:15 am. The exam pattern of phase-2 exam was similar to MICAT phase I 2022. 

MICAT Phase 2 question paper was divided into three sections with a total of 234 questions to be completed within 135 minutes. It is predicted that the difficulty level of MICAT Phase 2 Exam 2022 was moderate. 

According to candidates who appeared for MICAT phase 2 exam 2022, the Aptitude Test Section was a bit more difficult compared to MICAT phase 1. The first phase exam was earlier conducted on December 4, 2021. 

MICAT (MICA Admission Test) is the online entrance exam for admission to the PGDM-C/PGDM programmes in MICA Ahmedabad. Usually, the MICAT examination is held twice for admission to the batch in the ensuing year. 

Candidates who appeared for MICAT phase 2 exam 2022, today, can check out detailed paper analysis, answer key, and solutions and evaluate their probable scores. 

MICAT 2022 Phase 2 Exam: Overview 

Students were allowed to take 1-minute break between different sections and navigation between sections in the question paper were not allowed. 

The section C in the question paper carried 1 mark per question, with deduction of 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer. There were no negative marks for the psychometric test and the descriptive test. 

The psychometric test is compulsory and the performance in this test will be used as a qualifying criterion for the next stage. 

Candidates must have attempted all the questions in the Psychometric Test to ensure that their paper is evaluated. However, the marks or the assessment criteria of the test will not be revealed to the candidates.

Check: MICAT 2022 Marking Scheme

MICAT 2022 Phase 2 Exam: Good Attempts 

Following table illustrates the good attempts of MICAT Phase 2 exam 2022. 



No. of Questions

Time Allocated

Good Attempts


Psychometric Test


30 minutes



Descriptive Test


25 minutes



i. Divergent and Convergent Thinking


80 minutes


ii. Verbal Ability



iii. Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation



iv. General Awareness



Candidates who will ‘qualify’ the psychometric test and score an overall score of 32-35 in Sections C (i) to C (iv) in MICAT Phase II will be eligible to attend the GE-PI round (subject to their fulfilling the other criteria specified. Click Here

In contrast, candidates are expected to obtain an overall score of 35-38 in Sections C (i) to C (iv) to get a call from the authorities of MICA Admission 2022 for the further GE-PI process. 

MICAT Phase 2 Exam 2022: Section A-Psychometric Test 

A total of 150 questions were asked in section A with no correct or incorrect responses in a psychometric test. 

Candidates had to attempt 150 questions within 30 minutes. Of the total questions, 33 questions presented a situation/ course of action and the candidates were required to mark either True or False. 

While the remaining 117 questions were about a particular personality trait or a course of action which required the candidates to respond with one of the following 8 options.

  • Totally Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Somewhat Disagree
  • Somewhat Agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  • Totally Agree

MICAT Phase 2 Exam 2022: Section B- Descriptive Test 

The descriptive section tests the analytical and descriptive writing ability and creative skills of candidates. This section had to be attempted in 25 minutes and carried no negative marking.

The first three questions were related to each other. The topic for the first two questions was “Convenience is supreme”. 

Candidates had to write three points each, ‘for’ and ‘against’ the topic. While all the questions carried 10 marks each.

Candidates had to write a 300 word answer in the third question for the topic: “As a manager, you want to work within your convenience and yet establish a deep relationship with your key stakeholder. Present 3 ways in which this can be done.” 

According to the instructions, the points for the third question should not include the points stated in the responses for the two questions. 20 marks were allocated to this question.

The fourth question in this section consisted of four pictures and candidates had to write down a particular pictorial combination (A-B-C-D or D-C-B-A or any such combination) and explain it with the help of a story. 

The pictures were related to: “An upside down yellow mop, a man photographing a staged dead body, white spots on a black screen, a bird flying in a cloudy sky.” This question carried 30 marks.

MICAT Phase 2 Exam 2022: Section C- Aptitude Test 

The aptitude test section consisted of 4 sub-sections with 20 questions per sub-section with a total of 80 questions to be solved within 80 minutes. This year, all the sections in the aptitude test saw a mix of questions with 4 options and 8 options. This was a change from the previous year.

(i) Sub-section: Divergent and Convergent Thinking 

There were a total of 20 questions in the reasoning section including word-association, analogies, statement-assumption, data sufficiency, coding, puzzle(symbol based logic + family tree) and visual reasoning questions.Out of 20 questions, 14 questions had 8 options each while the remaining 6 (all non-verbal reasoning) had 4 options each.


No. of Questions.

Overall Difficulty Level

Word Association



Critical Reasoning – Assumption



Analogy (Word grouping)



Critical Reasoning – Inference



Following table illustrates the break-up of the non-verbal reasoning questions in the section:

Type of Questions

No. of Questions

Overall Level of Difficulty

Visual Reasoning (Total 3 questions)

Odd man out (Group)



Complete the series (Next figure)


Logical Data sufficiency (Total 1 question)

Data Sufficiency



Miscellaneous (Total 7 questions)


2 individual questions


A set on networking of roads



A set on symbol based numerical logic



In this section, there were 11-12 questions to be completed in 25 minutes. 90% accuracy in this section would be considered as a good attempt. 

 (ii) Sub-section: Verbal Ability 

This section consisted of jumbled paragraphs, word pairs, paragraph completion, matching the antonyms, choosing the grammatically correct sentence questions, and three reading comprehension passages. Out of 20 questions, 12 had 8 options each while the remaining 8 had 4 options each.


No. of Questions

Overall Level of difficulty

Replace grammatically incorrect part



Jumbled Paragraph – 5 sentences



One word substitution (paragraph based)



Reading Comprehension – 1(600 words)



Reading Comprehension – 2(50 words)



Reading Comprehension – 3(100 words)



Cloze passage (4 blanks/5 blanks)



Match the Antonyms



In this section, 10 – 11 questions in about 20 minutes with 90% accuracy would be considered a good attempt.

(iii) Sub-section: Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation 

There were a total of 20 questions in the section, out of which 16 questions were on quantitative ability and 4 questions were on Data Interpretation. 

There were 7 questions on Arithmetic, followed by 6 questions on Geometry and 2 questions on Algebra and one question on Statistics. 

Compared to December 2021 MICAT, this year, the QA and DI section were very lengthy and all questions had 8 options, which made the elimination of the options very difficult.

There was one set on Data Interpretation involving multiple graphs with 4 questions. Although the questions were not very difficult, getting relevant data from the graphs and performing calculations on the data was time-consuming and tricky. 

Candidates were required to attempt a total of 7-8 questions in about 30 minutes with around 85% accuracy to be considered good attempt. 

Tabulated below depicts the break-up of the questions in the Quantitative Ability section:


No. of Questions

Difficulty Level


Time-Speed-Distance, Averages, Mixtures-Alligations, Time and Work, Percentages, Ratio-Proportion, Work, Pipes & Cisterns


2 Easy, 3 Medium, 2 Difficult


Trigonometry, Quadrilaterals, Polygons


2 Medium, 4 Difficult


Quadratic Equation, Maxima-Minima


2 Medium




1 Medium

Data Interpretation

Multiple graphs


Medium to Difficult

(iv) Sub-section: General Awareness 

The General Awareness section of MICAT Phase 2 exam 2022 question paper consisted of 20 questions, of which 17 questions were based on national issues while 1 was based on international topics and 2 were based on miscellaneous topics. 

The Static GK consisted of 6 questions while the remaining 14 questions were based on current affairs. Overall, the section was slightly more difficult than MICAT phase 1. 

Most of the questions were about business, books and authors, awards, economics, terms, and taglines and 2 to 3 questions could be classified as easy; while 7-8 questions as medium and 9-10 as difficult. 19 out of 20 questions consisted of 8 options each.

In the general awareness section, candidates had to attempt 7 – 9 questions in about 5-10 minutes to ensure a 70 percent accuracy. 

Also Check: MICAT 2022 Counselling: GE/PI Round, Answer Key, Merit List, Cutoff, Selection Process
