Madras HC Approves 100 BHMS Seats for Homeopathic College After Center Denies Permission

New Delhi: In a major relief to the TamilNadu Homeopathic College, the Madras high court has approved the college for 100 BHMS seats after the center denied the permission. 

Setting aside the order of the union government, the high court has granted permission to run 100 BHMS (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine) seats in Venkateswara Homeopathic Medical College for the academic year 2018-2019.

According to the latest reports, the court permitted a total of 100 BHMS seats. The bench comprising Justice Krishnan Ramasam noted that the Central Council for Homeopathy had allowed admission at the Homeopathic medical college for the session 2018-2019, subject to the removal of the deficiencies pointed out in the inspection report. 

Initially had intake capacity of 50 BHMS students

Established in 1995 and starting its journey in 2000, the Venkateswara Homeopathic Medical College is recognized by the Central Council for Homeopathy (CCH) and is affiliated to the TamilNadu Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai.

Initially, the homeopathic college had planned an intake capacity of 50 BHMS seats, subsequently, the intake capacity of the students was increased to 100 by CCH in the year 2002.

However, earlier when the BHMS course was not in demand, the college didn't exercise permission for increased intake capacity of students till 2013. Later on, it started admitting a total of 100 BHMS students with the help of court orders.

But when the CCH conducted a surprise inspection of the college in 2018, the AYUSH Ministry passed an order to deny permission for 50 BHMS seats. 

The college then moved to the Madras High Court and got permission for 100 seats but the court also instructed the college to remove the deficiencies reflected in the inspection report. 

After observing the deficiencies to be unsustainable, the high court bench came to the relief of the medical college and set aside the union government's order. 

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