Letter Written by IIM Ahmedabad Ex-Director Sparked Controversy with Alumni Association

Letter Written by IIM Ahmedabad Ex-Director Sparked Controversy with Alumni Association

New Delhi: Outgoing Director of IIM Ahmedabad has written a 34-page long letter which argues why the institute should redevelop its iconic red-brick campus. The letter has sparked controversy with several experts as well as the institute's alumni association. 

Ex-Director of IIM Ahmedabad, Errol D'Souza submitted his letter titled "Conception, Creation and Corporeality" on the day when he stepped down from his position as Director on January 31, 2023. D'Souza will not be replaced by Bharat Bhasker effective from March 01, 2023. 

In his letter, Errol quoted Arjuna and Krishna from Mahabharata and Jain Theory from Anekantavada to point out gaps in American Architect Louis Kahn's Work. He argued that the redevelopment is necessary at IIM Ahmedabad in order to keep the integrity of the building. 

He informed that the plan to write the letter and raze Khan's buildings was due to safety reasons. The letter reads, "It examines the choice before a decision maker confronted with the issues of the Louis Kahn complex at IIM Ahmedabad that has a similar dilemma to Arjun".

The letter has sparked controversy from the influential alumni associations, over 30 IIMA alumni and several experts as they oppose the idea of tearing down dorms and other buildings. 

The letter reads, "Should she (the decision maker) privilege the connections that generations have had with the poetry of light and shade that is constituted by the architecture of the Kahn-designed buildings and restore?”

“Or should she be giving weight instead to the safety of the current and future users of the buildings given that the residual life of the buildings is over and reconstructed? What is the right thing to do? Is the reconstruction of the buildings in the spirit that Kahn intended better than the restoration of the existing structure?”, the letter reads, 

In conclusion, the letters submitted by Errol D'Souza state that it is possible to restore the strength of the buildings. However, the process will be technically inadvisable, and impractical and it would require more expenses.

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