KIET Group of Institutions and Tata Power DDL Collaborate to Build an Excellence Centre

KIET Group of Institutions and Tata Power DDL Collaborate to Build an Excellence Centre

New Delhi: KIET Group of Institutions and Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd have joined to build a centre of excellence to provide technical programmes focused on modern and realistic approaches to India's future technocrats. 

The TATA Power-DDL curriculum is designed to offer learners a well-rounded introduction to academic knowledge, real-world experience, industry skills, and employment prospects.

The main goal of this collaboration is for Tata Power-DDL and the KIET Group of Institutions to help one another in creating a pool of world-class talent for power engineering technology and related sectors. 

Moreover, Tata Power-DDL will benefit the students with a research mentality and the chance to participate in practical projects that have been discovered using the talent-100 and talent highway platforms.

Both these bodies will hold stand-alone, one-session webinars covering advanced engineering subjects for learners as well as instructors as elements of the diploma, BTech, and MTech curricula. 

These training courses will include topics such as debates, practical sessions, and video & theoretical sessions.

Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited's Chief HR and IR, Praveen Agrawal, commented on the partnership by saying: "Tata Power Delhi Distribution aims to foster the young talent in the power industry by contributing its expertise and abilities.” 

He continued, “The accessibility of qualified labour is essential to a nation's overall financial success. Our partnership with the KIET Group of Institutions reflects our dedication to helping students and emerging talent maximize their potential and fully use their talents and abilities.”

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