Kerala Colleges Reopened with 90% Attendance on First Day; Read Details Here

January 4, 2021: Kerala Colleges have been reopened after being shut for more than 9 months. All the state colleges kept COVID-19 restrictions in check and adhered to the guidelines.

Physical classes in Kerala Colleges have been resumed for final year undergraduate students, and all post-graduate students, while the decision on the remaining batches is still pending and will be taken after two weeks.

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Praising the reopening of physical classes in colleges, Varsha, a first-year MA English student at SN College, Chempazhanthy, is relieved that her post-graduation will not be restricted to home.

First-year M.Com. student Sangeeth from Government Arts College added, “We have been hoping for a return to the conventional classroom environment. Interaction is key to education, but not many students raised doubts through online platforms,” he said.

Students in Kerala Colleges were seen flooding in, resulting in high attendance, which was better than the authority had expected.

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Amid COVID-19, despite the developing issues regarding transportation and accommodation, colleges across the state have registered above-average attendance. While Institutions in rural areas witnessed a lower student count.

Official authorities undertook a fogging drive in order to sanitize the premises. Additionally, college authorities arranged the seating in order to ensure the proper adherence to social distancing norms.

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Students underwent thermal screening and permitted entry after putting down their contact information on a register book, which was maintained at the entrance.

During a virtual meeting with Higher Education K.T. Jaleel, and over 900 Principals heading government-aided and unaided Kerala colleges, later in the day, reported a 90% attendance of students and teachers on the first day of Kerala colleges reopening. 

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Associate Professor of Hindi and college advisor in Government College for Women, Suma S. said several out of the station students did not join, cause being challenges related to accommodation.

“For such students, we will persist in online classes. The workload of the faculty is bound to increase. We hope the situation normalizes within a few weeks since the university exams are round the corner” she said.

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