KCET 2020 Mock Seat Allotment Result Released @kea.kar.nic.in; Provision to Change Options Open till Dec 1, Check Details Here

Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) has released the KCET 2020 mock seat allotment result on November 29 (8:00 pm). Candidates can visit the official website to check mock allotment, kea.kar.nic.in. In order to check KCET mock seat allotment, candidates have to log into the portal using the CET number.

Candidates are provided with an opportunity to add/ delete or modify the options in the order of preference, till the publication of the final allotment list for round 1, i.e (November 29 – December 1, 2020)

KCET 2020 Mock Seat allotment round is conducted for the knowledge of the seat allotment process. Candidates are therefore not required to report to the allotted institute.

The Institute and course allotted in mock allotment may differ from real allotment round. The authorities will then release the KCET 2020 Counselling round 1 seat allotment result on December 2, 2020. 

KCET 2020: First Round Seat Allotment Schedule



Provisional Verified final list

November 28, 2020

Publication of Mock Seat Allotment Results

November 29, 2020 after 8:00 pm

Provision to change options

November 29 - December 1, 2020 

Publication of Final Round Real Seat Allotment Results

December 2, 2020, after 6:00 pm

Candidates must note that KCET 2020 Mock allotment will not consist of a fixed allotment but will showcase the seats that will be allotted as per their merit and selected preferences. 

Also CheckKCET 2020 College and Courses Wise Cutoff 

KCET 2020: How to check Mock Allotment Result?

Candidates can follow the step by step guide given below to check the KCET 2020 Mock Allotment result

Step 1: Visit the official website of KCET 

Step 2: Click on the mock allotment link

Step 3: Now, KCET Aspirants have to enter their CET number

Step 4: Click on “Submit”

Step 5: The result of KCET 2020 Mock seat allotment will be displayed

Read MoreKCET 2020 Participating Colleges
