JIPMER Certificate Course Admission 2022-23 Open; Apply till March 22


New Delhi: JIPMER Pondicherry is inviting applications for admission to its various certificate programs for the academic session 2022-23. Interested candidates can now apply for admission by submitting their applications by March 22, 2023. 

As per JIPMER, the admission process is open for Certificate Courses in Emergency Medical

Technician, Qualified Mortuary Assistant (QMA), Enterostomal Therapy and Phlebotomy. Candidates need to meet the required eligibility criteria to be considered for admission.

Informing about JIPMER Admission 2023 process, the official notice reads, “walk-in-Counseling would be held on March 28, 2023, at Exam Hall-3, III-Floor, JIPMER Academic Center and the registration would be held from 09:30 am to 10:30 am”.

Check the key highlights, important dates, application process, eligibility criteria, and direct link to apply for JIPMER Certificate Course Admission 2023 in this article below!

JIPMER Certificate Course Admission 2023: Highlights



Admission Open For 

Certificate Courses

Offered by

JIPMER, Pondicherry

Academic Session 


Admission Process


Application Mode


Last Date to Apply

March 22, 2023

More Details

Click Here

JIPMER Certificate Course Admission Process 2023

Check the detailed eligibility criteria and selection process for admission to JIPMER Certificate Course 2023 mentioned in the reference table below: 


Eligibility Criteria 



Emergency Medical Technician

Completed +2 (Science / Vocational stream with MLT/Nursing)

17 to 25 years


Qualified Mortuary Assistant (QMA)

Completed +2 (Science with Biology)

17 to 25 years


Enterostomal Therapy 

B.Sc. Nursing with One-year clinical experience

As per Rules

As per Rules


Completed +2 (Science with Biology)

17 to 25 years


JIPMER Certificate Course Admission 2023: How to Apply?

Step 1: Visit the official website of JIPMER, Pondicherry at jipmer.edu.in.

Step 2: From the homepage, click on the latest JIPMER Certificate Course Admission 2023 link available. 

Step 3: Read the notice carefully and download the application form from the website.

Step 4: Fill out the application form and attach a copy of mentioned documents with it.

Step 5: Pay the application fee and submit the form to complete to admission cell to complete your JIPMER Certificate Course Admission 2023 process. 

Step 6: Applicants must also take a printout of the application form for all future needs.

The official notice reads, “format of the applications can be downloaded from JIPMER and the filled-in application with necessary enclosures must be submitted to the Academic Section addressed to The Dean (Academic), JIPMER on or before March 22, 2023, by 4:30 pm”.

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