JCECE (LE) ECE 2020 Result Out; Check Merit List @jceceb.jharkhand.gov.in

JCECE (LE) ECE 2020: The Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (JCECEB) has declared the provisional merit list on the official website - @jceceb.jharkhand.gov.in. 

JCECE (LE) ECE 2020  has organized the Entrance Examination for admission into Engineering Course (Lateral Entry) for the academic year 2020-21. The candidates who have appeared in the JCECE (LE) ECE 2020 Entrance Examination can check their results from the official website.

Read more - JCECE (LE) ECE Counselling 2020

JCECE (LE) ECE 2020: How to check the result?

The candidates who have appeared for JCECE (LE) ECE 2020 can check the results by following the steps mentioned below - 

STEP 1: Visit the official website - @jceceb.jharkhand.gov.in.

STEP 2: Click on the Result tab and then select the course.

STEP 3: Fill in the login credentials and then click on Submit.

STEP 4: The result will then appear on the screen.

STEP 5: Candidates can download and take a print out of the result for future reference.

JCECE (LE) ECE 2020: Tie-Breaking Criteria

The Authorities have released tie-breaking criteria, in case two or more candidates get the same marks, then the merit list will be prepared on the basis of the following criteria prioritized orderly- 

CASE 1: If candidates have scored the same total marks, then the one who scores more in maths will be prioritized for a better rank.

CASE 2: If the marks in maths are also the same, then the one who scores more in physics will be prioritized for a better rank.

CASE 3: If the marks in maths and physics are also the same, then the one who is older in regards to the mentioned date of birth will be prioritized for a better rank.

CASE 4: If there is a tie in all the above cases, then the one whose name initially comes earlier in alphabetic order will be prioritized for a better rank.

JCECE (LE) ECE 2020: Interview

The candidates who have qualified for the JCECE (LE) 2020 entrance examination will be called for the personal interview round. 

In case seats of admission are not filled completely after the personal interview round, there will be a second PI round for the vacant seats.

Read more - JCECE (LE) 2020 Participating Colleges
