JAC Delhi 2020: Spot Round Registration Ongoing; Details Here

JAC Delhi 2020 Spot Round: JAC Delhi has begun the online spot round registration process on December 1, 2020, through its official website: jacdelhi.nic.in. The authorities had earlier released the list of tentative vacant seats for candidates to apply for spot admission.

Candidates who wish to participate in the spot round of JAC Delhi 2020, can register online and freeze seats within December 2, 2020 (11:59 PM). 

JAC Delhi Official Notice Reads:

Upgradation results of admitted candidates (round 6) are available in candidate login. Admitted candidates can freeze their allotted branch (till 11.59PM 02/12/2020), if they do not want further upgradation during spot round seat allotments.

Earlier, Joint Admission Committee (JAC) Delhi had released the round-5 or pre-upgradation seat allotment result on November 26, 2020

JAC Delhi will conduct three rounds of spot counselling in online mode. In view of COVID-19 pandemic, the committee has decided to conduct spot round in online mode only. Moreover, selected candidates will not have to physically visit allotted colleges to confirm seats.

For seat confirmation, students have to pay a seat acceptance fee of INR 93,000 in online mode. JAC Delhi will confirm admission after verifying documents. 

Note: Candidates who do not accept offered seats by paying seat acceptance fees, will not be considered for the next round of seat allotment. 

Check: JAC Delhi 2020 Tentative Vacant Seats 

JAC Delhi 2020: Candidates Eligible for Spot Round 

  • Candidates who did not register for previous rounds of counselling, have to register on JAC Delhi portal and then apply for spot round.
  • Registered candidates who did not receive any seat in previous rounds like pre-upgradation Round.
  • Candidates who withdrew admission from any participating university/institute.
  • Any registered candidate who was allotted seat in any round (round 1-round 5) but did not report to assigned college. 
  • Registered candidates who did not fill choices during online registration.
  • Registered candidates who received a seat in any round but was cancelled due to deficiencies or other legitimate reasons.

Check: JAC Delhi 2020 Spot Round Schedule and Procedure

JAC Delhi Spot Round 2020: Admission Schedule 

Event Date
Spot Round
New Registrations 
i) Fresh candidates need to pay INR 1500 as registration fee while filling the registration form and 
ii) Pay INR 10,000 as SPOT Round Participation Fee 
Choice editing- For already admitted candidates (if they have not freezed their branch) and new registration
December 3 (Thursday) (12 noon) to December 4, 2020 (Friday) (11.59 PM)
SPOT Round Participation Fee (INR 10,000/-) payment  December 3, 2020 (Thursday) (12 noon) to December 4, 2020 (Friday) (11.59PM)
Defence & Bonus Points Verification Dec. 05, 2020 (Saturday)
Seat Allotment Result December 14, 2020 (Monday) (After 05:00 P.M.)
Seat Acceptance Fee Payment and Document Verification December 14, 2020 (Monday) immediately after seat allotments to December 15, 2020 (Tuesday) (within 5:00 PM only)
Online Seat Freezing Immediately after admission confirmation within December 15, 2020 (Tuesday)  (upto 11:59 PM)
Special Spot Round (if Vacant Seats are Available)
Seat Allotment Result December 10, 2020 (Thursday) (post 5:00 P.M.)
Seat Acceptance Fee Payment and Document Verification December 10, 2020 (Thursday) immediately after seat allotments to December 12, 2020 (Saturday) (5:00 PM)
Online Seat Freezing Immediately after confirmation of admission by December 12, 2020 (Saturday) (11:59 PM)
ROUND 9 (if Vacant Seats are Available)
Seat Allotment Result December 14, 2020 (Monday) (After 05:00 P.M.)
Seat Acceptance Fee Payment and Document Verification December 14, 2020 (Monday) immediately after seat allotment to December 15, 2020 (Tuesday) (5:00 PM only)
Online Seat Freezing Immediately after confirmation of admission within December 15, 2020 (Tuesday) (11:59 PM PM)

Following this, candidates who have already paid the spot round fee INR 10,000 but they did not accept any seat in spot round or were not allotted a seat in spot round are eligible to participate in special spot round.

Special Spot Round (if Vacant Seats are Available)
Display of Vacant Seats December 18, 2020 (Friday) (After 05:00 P.M.)
Attendance at Special Spot Round Venue  December 21, 2020 (Monday) 9-11 AM
Manual Seat Allotment and Confirmation of Admission From December 21, 2020 (Monday) 11:00AM

About JAC Delhi

Joint Admission Counseling (JAC) coordinates the UG admission process for premier government-funded institutes in Delhi that includes:
