JAC Chandigarh 2020 Round 2 Choice Filling Begins; Check Counselling Schedule, Counselling Procedure

The selection process was launched by the Joint Admission Committee (JAC) under Round 2 of JAC Chandigarh B.Tech 2020 advice.

Before October 1, applicants had to register by filling out the application form in order to participate in JAC Chandigarh B.Tech consulting 2020.

Also Read: JAB to allow candidates who missed JEE Advanced 2020 another chance in 2021 without appearing for JEE Main 2021, Check Here​

For every round, candidates have to fill and lock their choices in the counselling process. Through the counselling of JAC Chandigarh B.Tech   2020, authorities will screen the eligible candidates for admission to undergraduate engineering programmes.

Based on their JEE main scores, the JAC Chandigarh B.Tech 2020 counselling is being conducted.

The JAC Chandigarh B.Tech 2020 counselling will be conducted in online mode in 3 rounds (including a spot round).

In addition, during the counselling of JAC Chandigarh B.Tech 2020, seats will be allocated to the candidates.

This will be done on the basis of the merit, choice filling and seat availability of candidates. Go through the JAC Chandigarh B.Tech co complete procedure in the article below.

JAC Chandigarh B.Tech Counselling 2020 Dates


Important Dates

Release of application form

September 19, 2020

Final date to submit filled application form of JAC Chandigarh B.Tech Admission 2020

October 1, 2020

Availability of correction facility

October 2 to 3, 2020

Verification of Documents October 5, 2020
Release of list of eligible candidates October 7, 2020
First Round of Counselling

Counselling (Choice Filling) - Round 1

October 7 to 9, 2020

Mock Counselling Result October 8, 2020
Choice Locking October 9, 2020 (by 5 pm)
Seat Allotment First Round October 10 to 12, 2020
Withdrawal of Seat October 13, 2020 (till 5 pm)
Second Round of Counselling

Choice Filling and Locking

October 14 to 16, 2020 (till 5 pm)

Seat Allotment Second Round October 17, 2020 at 8 pm
Submission of online fee October 17 to 19, 2020
Withdrawal of Seat October 20, 2020 (till 5 pm)
Third Round of Counselling

Choice Filling

October 21 to 23, 2020 (till 5 pm)

Third round of seat allotment October 24, 2020 (at 8 pm)
Submission of fee October 25 to 26, 2020
Physical reporting and verification of documents October 27 to 28, 2020
Withdrawal of Seat October 29, 2020 (till 5 pm)
Spot Round
Display of Vacant Seats October 30, 2020

Spot round counselling registration commences

October 31, 2020

Last date to generate bank challan November 1, 2020
Last date for depositing registration fee in the SBI Bank using Bank Challan November 2, 2020
Last date of online registration and fee submission November 3, 2020
Opening of Correction Window November 4, 2020

Also Read: Top Engineering Colleges in Chandigarh

Procedure of JAC Chandigarh B.Tech Counselling 2020

The detailed procedure for JAC Chandigarh B.Tech 2020 Counseling is mentioned below:

Step 1-Register and pay fees-JEE Main 2020 qualified candidates must fill in and submit an online JAC Chandigarh B.Tech admission 2020 registration form.

In addition to filling out the form, applicants must pay the registration fees. They will have to be authenticated later by providing details such as:

  1. Name

  2. Mother’s Name

  3. Date of Birth

  4. JEE Main 2020 roll number

  5. JEE Main 2020 application number

Candidates will be required to create their login credentials using JEE Main 2020 roll number, password creation and contact information such as email ID and mobile number upon successful authentication.

Once login is complete, the page containing basic information for candidates, including AIR, will be displayed in read-only mode.

Candidates were then required to fill out the JAC Chandigarh B.Tech 2020 online application form. And upload the documents below:

  • Total marks obtained in various subjects of the qualifying examination (i.e. 10+2 examination)

  • Category (General, BC, SC, ST)

  • Sub-category (ies) as appearing on registration form

  • Place of the school from where the candidate has appeared for the qualifying examination (Chandigarh/ Outside Chandigarh)

Later, either through debit/credit card/Internet banking or via e-Challan, submit the form and pay one-time registration fees.

Candidates must take note of the non-refundable nature of the registration fee.

Candidates who complete the process of registration and fee payment will be eligible to fill out the college and course choices in order of their preference.

Also Read: Low Rank in JEE Main 2020? Try in these Engineering Colleges

Step 2 - Verification of Documents- Next step is for the mentioned below categories. Candidates who belong to any of the given below category will have to be physically present for document verification along with their supporting documents and undertakings:

  • Cancer patient

  • AIDS patient

  • Thalassemia patient

  • Backward Class (BC)

  • Persons with Disability (PwD)

  • Freedom Fighter

  • Kashmiri Migrant/Displaced Persons

  • Terrorist/Riot Victim

  • One Girl Child out of the only two girl children

  • Economically Weaker Section

  • Rural area

  • Border area

  • Defence

  • Kargil Martyrs

Note: If registered candidates belonging to General/ SC/ ST categories wish to avail the benefit of any one or more of the above mentioned categories, will have to report in person for notified schedule by the authorities.

Documents Required for Reporting

While reporting for document verification, following set of relevant affidavit(s)/undertaking(s)/self attested photocopies as well as original documents/certificates will be required to carry to the designated venue:

  • Electronic Payment Gateway (EPG) receipt

  • JEE Main 2020 scorecard

  • Marks Sheet of class 12th and 10th

  • Class 10 Certificate for Date of birth

  • Category certificate (if applicable)

  • Character Certificate from the last attended institute

  • Migration/Transfer Certificate

Step 3 - Online choice filling- Registered candidates are required to submit their choice of colleges and courses in the order of their choice.

Candidates will be able to fill in as many numbers of choices as they wish in the order of preference from the list of choices.

If candidates are eligible for both streams, the choices for Engineering & Architecture streams will have to be generated as a single set of combined choices.

Choice filling will also be optional for candidates who will only be eligible for B.Arch. After successful registration, only one architecture choice in CCA will be considered automatically.

Candidates will be allowed to change or re-order their choices, delete one earlier and add new choices until they lock it up any number of times.

Step 4 - Mock counselling- Before announcing the actually result of seat allotment, authorities will conduct mock seat allotment to help candidates to know the seats they could be allotted based on their choices filled and registrations received.

This will help candidates to finalize the most suited seat for them.

Step 5 - Choice locking and printing of locked choices- Choice locking involves re-entering the password and confirming the locking, once the LOCK button is clicked.

Candidates will be required to follow mentioned below steps to lock their choices:.

  • Candidates will have to visit the official website, log-in, review/edit the choices entered by the candidates and confirm the same by locking it. If candidate fails to lock their choices till the last date and time, their last saved choices will be automatically locked after the deadline

  • The registered candidates who will not exercise their choices in any of the rounds will not be considered for seat allotment. However, they will be eligible for SPOT round of JAC Chandigarh B.Tech 2020 counselling after depositing a round participation fee of Rs 40,000.

  • Once choices locked, it cannot be edited.

Note: Once the choices are locked, candidates will not be able to change/edit their entered choices. On locking the choices, candidates will have to take out a printable version of the choices along with the terms and conditions agreed by the candidate.

Also Read: JAC Delhi 2020 Counselling based on JEE Main Score, Check Registration and Schedule​
