IPM Aptitude Test 2020 Postponed

The IPM Aptitude Test for 2020, which was scheduled to be held on 28 June, has been postponed. This is the third time the examination has been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The information was contained in a notification on the official website of IIM Rohtak.

The IPM Aptitude Test is held by Tata Consultancy Services in various cities across India in CBT mode.

IPM Aptitude Test 2020 Key Dates

The key dates for the IPM Aptitude Test 2020 are given in the following table:

Events Dates
Examination TBA
Result First week of august

IPM Aptitude Test Examination pattern 2020

The paper is two hours long and is conducted in CBT mode. It is divided into three sections, each containing 40 questions. The paper contains a total of 120 MCQs. For every correct answer, four marks are awarded, while for every incorrect answer, one mark is deducted. The paper tests the logical reasoning, quantitative ability and verbal ability of the candidate.
