IIT Ropar Researchers develops UVGI based Currency, Document and Card Disinfection Device

Amid the crisis of COVID-19 epidemic throughout the country, a team of IIT Ropar researchers has developed an unique and much needed UVGI technology based currency, card and document disinfection device.

The portable device developed by IIT Ropar researchers can disinfect the multiple hand exchange of currencies, cards and documents from A4 to letter size which poses a high risk of virus and bacteria transmission in these extraordinary times.

The conventional method of disinfecting materials like washing and applying sanitizers is not possible for this kind of materials, thus this device comes to the picture which claims to disinfect the things like documents and currencies with 99.9% result in eliminating the microbes and viruses.

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The researchers claimed that the portable device can be used in public as well as private places where cash/card exchanges and documents circulations are a part of daily routine.

The design of the device provides an extra feature to optimize the effectiveness of purpose. The primary tests have been done at IIT Ropar. They have also ensured the highest level of safety from UVGI technology.

The design of the prototype has been given by Dr. Khusboo Rakha, Assistant Professor, The Dept. of Metallurgy and Materials Science, IIT Ropar in collaboration with Humanity Works, Mumbai. 

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What is UVGI Technology?

The UltraViolet Germicidal Irradiation (UGVI) is a process of disinfecting the materials from all types of bacteria and viruses including the noble coronavirus.

The UVGI works within the UV-C (short wavelength of UV light) spectrum of light which is the effective wavelength of light to act as a germicidal disinfectant.


While elaborating on the purpose and use of the device, Dr. Khusboo said that the device is the urgent necessity of the hour to fight against the coronavirus pandemic. 

She also added that the device can be easily used in the banks, Govt. or Private firms, post offices and other public places to work safely during this epidemic.

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UVGI light uses short wavelengths of UV light, i.e UV-C rays to kill the microbes and viruses and also stops them from reproducing as it destroys the nucleic acid of the micro-organisms. The device has also been applied for patent, she added.
