IIT- Patna to conduct a 3-day workshop on entrepreneurship from March 13

New Delhi: Indian Institute of Technology, Patna will conduct a workshop on ‘Promotion of Infrastructure and Entrepreneurship in Science and Technology and Product Launch’ in alliance with the Technology Development Board, the Government of India from March 13, 2022, to March 15, 2022.

IIT- Patna to conduct a 3-day workshop on entrepreneurship from March 13

As per the director of IIT-Patna, T N Singh, the workshop will focus on fabricating consciousness about the demanding technological problems and need for the research of infrastructure in our country.

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Defense Research and Development Organization, Department of Science and technology came together to guide and motivate aspiring entrepreneurs in finding solutions for this problem. 

With this, T N Singh will also announce that IIT-Patna has generated its ‘battery management system’ for the first time made in India, focusing on the mission of ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’.

T N Singh also addressed that, “this novel indigenous creation with intellectual property would not have been possible without the encouragement and support from the DST and DRDO”. 

On March 4th, 2022 to March 6th, 2022, IIT-Patna also organized a workshop on ‘Intelligent Edge Computing for Cyber Physical System and Cloud Computing’, sponsored by ICPS division DST. 

The main focus of the workshop was to give in depth knowledge to its students, faculty and also research scholars about the terminologies and the core concept behind the development of an intelligent computing for edge devices and to fill the gap between CPS and Cloud.

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