IIT Patna PhD July Session Admission 2023-24 Open; Apply till April 17

IIT Patna

New Delhi: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Patna is inviting applications for admission to its PhD programs offered by various departments for July session 2023-24. The last day to apply is April 17, 2023. Interested candidates can now apply through the official website at iitp.ac.in. 

As per IIT Patna, candidates can apply for the PhD program under the Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Humanities & Social Science, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, and Physics.

For IIT Patna Admission 2023, the upper age limit for Junior Research Fellow(JRF) is 28 years and Senior Research Fellow(SRF) is 32 years. Candidates must have a UG/ PG degree in the relevant area. Direct admission is also offered to candidates with outstanding academic performance. 

The candidates are selected on the basis of GATE/ NET entrance examination scores, except for candidates qualifying with a BE/ BTech degree from centrally funded technical institutes with a CGPA of 8.0 and above, followed by a test or an interview round. 

Check the key highlights, important dates, direct link and step-by-step guide to register for IIT Patna PhD July Admission 2023 in this article below!

IIT Patna PhD July Session Admission 2023: Important Dates



Last Date to Apply 

April 17, 2023

Publication of Call Letter

May 05, 2023


May 12 to 19, 2023

Announcemet of Result 

May 26, 2023

Offer Letter Issued on

May 31, 2023

IIT Patna PhD July Session Admission 2023 Highlights



Admission Open For 

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Program

Offered by

Indian Institute of Technology, Patna

Academic Session 



Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Humanities & Social Science, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, and Physics

Admission Process


Application Mode


Application Fee

INR 1000 for Male and INR 500 for Female Candidates belonging to GEN/ EWS/ OBC-NCL


INR 500 for Male and INR 500 for Female Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwD

Admission Notice

Click Here

More Details

Click Here

IIT Patna PhD July Session Admission 2023: Eligibility Criteria & Selection Process

Candidates looking forward to apply for admission to IIT Patna PhD Program can check the detailed eligibility criteria mentioned below:



Upper Age Limit

28 Years for JRF

 32 Years for SRF

Eligibility Criteria

For Engineering:

MTech/ ME degree in the related domain, with at least CPI of 6.5 or 60% score


A MSc degree in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 7.5 or 70% score


A BE/ BTech degree in the relevant domain with a minimum CPI of 7.5 or 70% score with a valid GATE score. The need for a GATE score is waived off for the candidates with a UG degree from Centrally Funded Technical Institutes with a CGPA of 8.0 and above.


For Science: 

MPhil/ MSc/ ME/ MTech degree in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% score


BE/ BTech degree in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 7.5 or 70% score


For Humanities & Social Science:

MPhil or Master’s degree in Arts/ Commerce/ Science/ Management/ Business Administration in a relevant area with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent.


ME/ MTech/ MDes in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% score.


BE/ BTech degree in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 7.5 or 70% score


Note: A 5% relaxation is offered to the SC/ ST candidates

Direct Admission Criteria

BTech/ BS from the IITs with CGPA of 8.0 and above 


Masters from the IITs/ IISc with a CGPA of 8.5 or above 

Selection Criteria

GATE/ NET examination score and Test/ Interview Round

IIT Patna PhD July Session Admission 2023 How to Apply?

Step 1: Visit the official website of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Patna at iitp.ac.in.

Step 2: From the homepage, click the “Notice Board” link and read the PhD Admission 2023 notice carefully. 

Step 3: Click on the registration link from the notice page and proceed to register.

Step 4: Fill out the form with details accurately and attach the documents per the requirement. 

Step 5: Pay the required application fee and click on submit to complete your admission process.

Candidates must keep a printout of the application details after applying online and must be present along with self-attested mark sheets, important certificates, testimonials and receipt of the online payment on the day of the test or Interview to avoid rejection.

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