IIT Patna: Free Online Course Offered on Cloud Computing through NPTEL; Check Details Here

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Patna has launched a free online course on ‘Cloud Computing’ through NPTEL considering the growing usage of cloud computing in every industry. 

Cloud Computing is a business model which delivers computations, storage, applications, and other IT resources through cloud services platforms over the Internet. Cloud Computing Systems are built today by using the fundamental principles and models of distributed systems. 

IIT Patna discussed the concepts and techniques and stated that it will also look at the aspects of Industrial systems such as Apache Spark, Google’s Chubby, Apache Zookeeper, HBase, MapReduce, Apache Cassandra, Google’s B4, Microsoft’s Swan and many others. 

The candidates who complete the course will have deep knowledge about the internals of cloud computing and how the distributed systems concepts work inside clouds.

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IIT Patna: Online Cloud Computing Course

The free online Cloud Computing course is an undergraduate computer science level course. But candidates belonging to any stream can opt for the course. The only eligibility criterion is that candidates should have knowledge about data structures and algorithms. 

Candidates with knowledge on Computer Architecture, Basic OS and Networking concepts are preferred. To take up this free online course, candidates should desire to expand the horizons of their knowledge. 

Companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, IBM, Facebook and startups are working on this field, hence it is necessary for the candidates to take up this course. 

The time duration of the Free online Cloud Computing course offered by IIT Patna is 8 weeks. The course commences on January 18, 2021, and concludes on March 12, 2021. The final examination will be held on March 21, 2021. 

To receive a certificate after the completion of the course, candidates need to appear and clear the final examination which will be held on proctored mode. The last date to register for the course is January 25, 2021.

Dr Rajiv Misra from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Patna will be the instructor for this free online Cloud Computing course. Previously he had mentored the online courses on Cloud Computing, Advanced Graph Theory and Distributed Systems in the NPTEL Platform.

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IIT Patna: Learning Outcomes of Cloud Computing Course

The following section gives the week-wise learning outcomes of the online Cloud Computing Course offered by IIT Patna through NPTEL platform.

Week 1: Introduction to Clouds, Virtualization and Virtual Machine

Week 2: Network Virtualization and Geo-distributed Clouds

Week 3: Leader Election in Cloud, Distributed Systems and Industry Systems

Week 4: Classical Distributed Algorithms and the Industry Systems

Week 5: Consensus, Paxos and Recovery in Clouds

Week 6: Cloud Storage: Key-value stores/NoSQL

Week 7: P2P Systems and their use in Industry Systems

Week 8: Cloud Applications: MapReduce, Spark and Apache Kafka

Also Read: IIT Patna Admission 2021

Candidates could enrol and learn the online Cloud Computing course from NPTEL for free. But to receive the certificate, candidates need to take up the proctored examination. To take up the examination, candidates need to pay the examination fee of INR 1,000.

To receive the certificate for the completion of the course, candidates should secure 25% marks from the assignments and 75% marks from the proctored certification examination out of 100. 

Final score = Average Assignment score (>10/25) + Exam Score (>30/75). If candidates fail to meet any one of the criteria, the certificate of course completion will not be issued. 

The NPTEL course completion certificate is printable which consists of the stamps of IIT Patna and NPTEL on it. 

Direct Link: Enrol for the Online "Cloud Computing' course offered by IIT Patna through NPTEL platform
