IIT Kanpur Hosts International Conference On Precision, Micro, Meso & Nano Engineering

New Delhi: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur organised the 12th edition of its international conference "COPEN12" on precision, micro, meso, and nano-engineering. The conference was held for a duration of two days, from December 8 to December 10, 2022. 

As per IIT Kanpur, the COPEN12 conference includes three major themes, which are precision engineering, manufacturing processes and measurements and smart manufacturing. The conference aims to unite the youthful manufacturing sector in India.

As of now, there were 215 submissions altogether for the event, 175 of which have already been highlighted. The conference was attended by about 300 delegates from the business world, the international community, government labs, faculty, and students.

Along with three keynote lectures from business leaders, the conference featured 15 invited talks from technical experts and highlighted the issues and debated possible solutions. The presentation formats include an alpha-track for presenting posters that demonstrate early-stage research and development.

The presentation formats also include a beta-track for presenting a 4-page paper that highlights research and a delta-track for presenting updates to research that has been published in reputable international journals in the previous year.

COPEN12 conference is supported by the ISRO, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI), Lohia Corp, Council of Science and Technology of Uttar Pradesh (UPCST), Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) and IIT Guwahati among others. 

Speaking at the occasion, IIT Kanpur, director, Abhay Karandikar said" “The manufacturing sector has been witnessing rapid changes with the advent of newer and better technologies in the recent past. The future holds multi-dimensional opportunities in manufacturing where India would play a vital role".

He shared that, "with significant research in Precision, Micro, Meso, and Nano Engineering from our researchers, India could be atmanirbhar soon and also a leader in manufacturing technologies".

"I believe this conference would give a diverse platform for the delegates and attendees to deliberate on the challenges and solutions to accelerate the objectives of Skill India and Make in India initiatives, especially in the field of manufacturing", he further added. 

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