IIT Kanpur hosts BIS-Academia workshop

New Delhi: On November 22, 2022, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur sponsored a one-day workshop on standardisation of mechanical testing and powder metallurgical processes and products. About 100 people, including teachers, employees, research scholars, and students, attended the ceremony.

The BIS Care application, which is used to verify the authenticity of any BIS standard marked or hallmarked product, was explained to the guests at IIT Kanpur. BIS has taken the initiative to engage with academia and deliver guest lectures to inform students, research scholars, staff, and faculty colleagues about the continuing standardisation initiatives and procedures because this is one of its areas of competence.

Anish Upadhyaya, head of the Advanced Centre of Materials Science (ACMS), who also serves as the workshop coordinator, stressed the importance of standard formulation for processes and goods in his opening remarks. The secretary of the MTD sectional committee on mechanical testing and powder metallurgy, BIS's G Ram Sai Kumar and Vishal Kumar Rana, gave a thorough overview of the Indian standards in respective committees during their discussion with the attendees. Following these lectures, there was a post-lunch session that included a visit to ACMS and discussions.

The ACMS and BIS oversaw the event's execution. In order to provide significant materials preparation and characterisation facilities under one roof, ACMS was founded at IITK in 1978. The ACMS's attempts to educate the materials community and present in-depth discussions on standardised procedures were in line with this workshop.

Sanjiv Maini, the head of the Metallurgical Division (MTD), spoke at the opening ceremony and discussed the work of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), which has served as the nation's standards authority ever since independence. Using particular examples from recent BIS projects for standard formulation, certification, and online training on standards, he described how the Bureau has been working to develop standards on a variety of materials (both in raw and final form), products, and processes. He also emphasised how important it is for academia to get involved in the standardisation process.

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