IIT Gandhinagar Hosted a Scientific Demonstration for Students on “National Science Day"; Check Details

IIT Gandhinagar Hosted a Scientific DemonstrationNew Delhi: IIT Gandhinagar (IITGN) has organised a "Open Day" with a variety of fun, interactive activities and scientific demonstrations for school and college students to celebrate National Science Day at its campus on 28th October.

Almost 1,000 school children from 15 different schools and 200 college students from six different higher educational institutions and universities from Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, and surrounding areas visited the IITGN campus to learn, experience, and enjoy science and its wonders.

IITGN organised a number of programmes and demonstrations with assistance from the Royal Society of Chemistry with the goal of popularising STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and encouraging students to pursue professions in a variety of STEM fields.

The activities included viewing the sun's black spot through a telescope, making ice cream using liquid nitrogen, robotics, understanding climate change, producing oxygen, dissolving styrofoam, blowing up ping pong balls using liquid nitrogen, electromagnetism, playing with wire loops, and peeping inside diapers to explain various scientific concepts. These demonstrations were conducted by IITGN's undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD students.

Explaining the purpose of the celebration, Professor Sivapriya Kirubakaran, dean of student affairs, said that events like this provide students a worthwhile experience. It helps to inspire and motivate them to continue pursuing their interests in science. 

The National Science Day is a fantastic opportunity to inspire the next generation of kids to discover the wonders of science. They could witness the unique and fascinating projects that our students have been working on throughout the year, and this would provide them a spur to pursue STEM courses creatively, the dean said. 

According to Mr. Mahesh Tripathi, a physics teacher at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, every experiment performed was quite motivating for the students, who are delighted to observe it. It may pique students' interests and encourage further exploration.

Dr. Rajamannar Thennati, Executive Vice President and Advisor to MD and Head of High-impact Innovations and Sustainable Solutions, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., delivered a presentation on the topic "Development and Innovations in the Pharmaceutical Industry" to conclude the event. 

Emphasising in his address to the students about the need of invention during various stages of chemistry and drug discovery, Dr. Rajamannar said that in any discipline, the breadth and depth of knowledge are very necessary to advance their job. 

When working in the life sciences, it's important to think creatively, have imagination, and attempt new things—even if they seem foolish at first—because doing so will help them succeed. Since India is now known as the "Pharmacy of the World," its medications are highly appreciated on a global scale, Rajamannar said. 

He further added that the youthful generation should consider pursuing life sciences outside merely career prospects and cultivate the enthusiasm for making more things happen in India. 

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