IIT Bhubaneswar to Hold Examinations Online

The Senate of IIT Bhubaneswar has taken the decision to conduct the End-Semester examination of the graduating students online.

Two alternative examinations have been fixed for the students. One is due to start from 24 June, while the other is scheduled to begin towards the end of July or the first week of August. The students can choose to take any one of the examinations.

However, many students of IIT Bhubaneswar have opposed the move. They are against the idea of an examination being held in the midst of a pandemic. Some are unsure if they can arrange smartphones, computers, and an Internet connection stable enough to take a test. Several students have left their laptops on the campus while returning to their homes.

Students are also opposed to the idea of an offline test as coronavirus cases are increasing by the day. Moreover, many students are living in containment zones. Staying in quarantine after returning to the campus could only create more complications.

A student opined, “The best possible way forward is to cancel final examinations, evaluate based on assignment and past examination marks and graduate the students as soon as possible for their job onboarding.”
