IIT BHU, NITIE-Mumbai Launches Online Global Certification Course on Supply Chain Transformation; Apply Till July 10, 2022

New Delhi: IIT-BHU's IDAPT Hub Foundation has joined hands with NITIE Mumbai to launch an online global certification course on “data-driven supply chain transformation 2022”. The last date to register for the course is July 10, 2022. 

The Data-driven Supply Chain Transformation 2022 is being launched by IIT BHU and NITIE Mumbai in collaboration with an expert from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US.

The IDAPT HUB Foundation of IIT BHU is the nodal centre and a technology innovation hub (TIH) for technology development and activities in data analytics and predictive technologies. Upon successful completion of the course, all the registered participants will receive a certificate of completion. 

According to the IIT BHU press release, the 30-hour course consists of 12 online sessions organised each Saturday and Sunday between July 16 and August 21, held for a duration of 2.5-hours. 

IIT BHU, NITIE Mumbai Data-Driven Supply Chain Transformation Course 2022: Highlights 

Name of Program 

Data-Driven Supply Chain Transformation 2022 

Academic Year


Course Launched By


Mode of Application & Course


Course Duration 

July 16 - August 21, 2022 

Last Date to Apply 

July 10, 2022 

Download Brochure 

Click Here

Official Website

Click Here

IIT BHU, NITIE Mumbai Data-Driven Supply Chain Transformation Course 2022: Fees

For Individual Registrations


Fee Category

Total Fee (in INR)

Participants From India





NIITE/ IIT (BHU) Alumni 8,000

Industry Professionals & Others


Foreign Participants



For Bulk Registration From One Organisation (Fee Per Participant)



Total Fee (in INR)


Slab 1 (11-25)


Slab 2 (26-50)


Slab 3 (>50)


Industry Professionals

Basic Price (5-10)**


Slab 1 (11-25)


Slab 2 (26-50)


Slab 3 (>50)


NITIE Mumbai Data-Driven Supply Chain Transformation Course 2022: Eligibility Criteria 

It is extremely important for the registered candidates to attend all the classes to have a comprehensive understanding of the course. Furthermore, they need to fulfil the required attendance and quiz attempt criteria to be eligible to receive a certificate. 

The course accelerates the Gati Shakti, the national master plan introduced by PM Narendra Modi, last year, for developing holistic infrastructure to address multi-modal and last-mile connectivity issues pertaining to supply chain and demand management. NITIE, Mumbai is the nodal agency for the Gati Shakti scheme, while the associate institute is IIT-BHU. 

IIT BHU, NITIE Mumbai Data-Driven Supply Chain Transformation Course 2022: How to Apply? 

  • Step 1: Visit the official application portal of nitie.ac.in.
  • Step 2: Register yourself after filling in the required details, such as Mobile Number, Email Id etc.
  • Step 3: Now, login with your registration credentials and fill all details in the Application form.
  • Step 4: Pay the application fee of INR 4000 and submit the Application form. 
  • Step 5: Applicants must also take a printout of the form for all future needs

IIT BHU, NITIE Mumbai Data-Driven Supply Chain Transformation Course 2022: Course Details 

The data-driven supply chain transformation 2022 course has been exclusively curated to provide a roadmap for the industry practitioners to understand the aspects of technology trends, digitization, analytics and automation to reinvent the supply chain. 

The course primarily covers the key concepts from the logistics planning and supply chain management including operations strategy, value of information, supply chain segmentation and integration, resilience and flexibility of supply chains, risk pooling and risk sharing strategies and supply chain network design and planning. 

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