IIT-BHU & Northern Coalfields Limited Uniting to Build Coal Research Centre

IIT-BHU & Northern Coalfields Limited have signed an MoU to build a Coal Quality Management and Utilization Research Centre. The centre will be under the oldest Mining Engineering Department in the country inaugurated in 1923.

IIT-BHU will be the first to experiment with clean coal technology to enrich the coal quality. The objective is to connect stakeholders and traders by providing facilities for defining the quality and category of coal. 

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Professor Pramod Kumar Jain the director of IIT (BHU) said the Coal Quality Management and Utilization Centre is considered the requirement for clean coal with endurable mining and the reduction of the carbon footprint of mining as the research topic.

Adding more he said that this scientific initiative and collective endeavors of IIT(BHU) and NCL would allow us to achieve the vision of an accessible, productive, and compact reliable clean coal allowance to clients as well as the Paris Agreement of carbon emission reduction.

According to Jain the objective of the Centre was to create perception and expand human resources through doctoral research, PG dissertations, and B-Tech programs to provide the industry cleaner coal academically and professionally.

The IIT-BHU & NCL has already started collaborative PhD programs with laboratory facility and field data. The field data will be utilized to develop coal mining technology and environment more technologically possible and economically reasonable with climate friendly mining.

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