IGNOU December TEE Exams 2023 Postponed; Check Revised Schedule Here

IGNOU December TEE Exams 2023 Postponed

New Delhi: The IGNOU has rescheduled the TEE exam 2023 for April 23, 2023. Candidates who are appearing for the exam must note that there will be no change in the timings and session of the TEE Exam 2023.

Students must access the official website of IGNOU @ignou.ac.in/ to download their hall tickets.

As per the revised schedule, the IGNOU December TEE Examinations 2023 will be held in two shifts.The morning shift starts from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. whereas the evening shift will take place from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

The official announcement for the same states, "The term-end exam in online mode for the University's online programs scheduled for April 14, 2023 is postponed to April 23, 2023. The time of the session will not change.

IGNOU December TEE Exams 2023 Admit Card: How To Download?

We've listed the procedures below for the candidates' convenience so they can download the admit card:

Step 1: Go to the official website of Indira Gandhi National Open University @ignou.ac.in.

Step 2: On the homepage, click on the link available for ‘Download Hall Ticket for December TEE Exams 2023’.

Step 3: Enter your enrollment number and select the program.

Step 4: The IGNOU Admit Card 2023 will appear on the screen.

Step 5: Now, check the details and download the admit card.

Step 6: Take a printout of the same for future references.

Note: Applicants who intend to appear for the IGNOU December TEE examinations in 2023 must bring their admit card with them to the exam centre.

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