ICSI CSEET 2021 Admit Card Released @icsi.edu; Check Download Link, Details Here

CSEET 2021 Admit Card has been released on April 29, 2021, at 2 PM in online mode at the official website of ICSI: icsi.edu. Candidates who earlier applied for Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test, (CSEET), have to key their CSEET Registration Number (i.e. Unique Id) and Date of Birth to download admit card. 

CSEET is held every year for admission to CS Executive Programs in the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. However, the institute is going to conduct CSEET 2021 in online mode, this year. In view of the COVID-19 crisis across the nation, most of the examination conducting bodies have already taken relevant steps to switch to an online mode of examinations.

CSEET is a mandatory criterion to be eligible for admission to CS Executive Programs. Hence, ICSI CSEET 2021 will be held in online proctored mode on May 8, 2021. The admit cards for the same have been released by the institute. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) had issued a notice on its official website that states:

“You are requested to download your Admit Card along with instructions to the candidates by visiting the website link: https://www.icsi.edu/cseet/or https://tinyurl.com/yjhmd98k which will be available for download from 14:00 Hours on 29th April 2021 onwards by entering your CSEET Registration Number (i.e. Unique Id) and Date of Birth.”

ICSI CSEET 2021 Admit Card Release Date Notice

CSEET 2021 Admit Card: How to Download? 

To download the admit cards the students need to follow the following steps:

  • Visit the official website of ICSI - icsi.edu.
  • Click on the CSEET admit card link.
  • Login using ID and password
  • The admit card of CSEET 2021 will be displayed on the screen.
  • Download and take a printout of it for examination.

CSEET 2021 Exam: Question Paper Pattern

There are 140 multiple choice questions in the examination for a total of 200 marks. The test duration will be 120 minutes. The format will be as follows:

S. No Part Total number of questions Total Marks
1 Paper-1: Business Communication 35 50
2 Paper-2: Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning 35 50
3 Paper-3: Economic and Business Environment 35 50
4 Paper-4: Part-A: Current Affairs (15 Questions)
Part B- Presentation & Communication Skills (20 Questions)
35 50
Total 140 200

ICSI CSEET 2021: Schedule and Guidelines

CSEET 2021 is scheduled to take place on 8th May. As notified earlier, the examination is going to take place online which will be remotely proctored.

Note: Aspirants are advised to take the examination from their home or from a place of convenience only through their PCs or laptops. The institute has explicitly asked the aspirants to not use mobile phones for the examination. Aspirants are expected to keep their government-issued ID cards ready for the examination.

ICSI CSEET 2021 Admit Card Notice