ICAI Forex and Treasury Management Result 2021 Declared at icai.org; Check Here

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) Forex and Treasury Management results have been declared on May 5th 2021. Students who appeared in the exam can check their progress , on the official website: icai.org.

ICAI FXTM examination was conducted on April 17 and 18, 2021 from which only 36 candidates have cracked the examination according to the result. The ICAI FXTM exam that was conducted on April 17-18, 2021 had two papers of 100 marks each. Candidates were required to complete them in three hours. The paper consisted of 65% multiple objective type questions and 35% subjective type questions. A passing grade is awarded if the candidate obtains 40% marks in each paper and project and 50% in the aggregate.

ICAI Forex and Treasury Management Result 2021: How to download?

  • Visit the official website of ICAI: icai.org
  • Scroll down the page to the “Important Announcements” section and open it.
  • The link for the results is available in the list of announcements.
  • Click on “Result of the online Examination of the Certificate Course on Forex and Treasury Management held on 17th & 18th April, 2021”.
  • The result will be available for the candidates in PDF form.


The Committee on Capital Market and Investors Protection are one of the Non-Standing Committees of the ICAI which conducts Certificate Course on Forex and Treasury Management (FXTM) for the professional development of members in this field.

This course covers the foreign exchange market, money market, bond market operations and related financial products. It therefore analyses the international finance environment within banks, other intermediaries and company operations and how it affects their operations in treasury.

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