HP TET 2020 Revised Exam Dates Released, Check Schedule Here

Himachal Pradesh Board of School education, Dharamshala has declared the new exam dates for Teacher Eligibility Test 2020 at hpbose.org. The exams will be commencing from December 12, 2020.

HPTET 2020 is organized by HPBSE to determine the eligibility of candidates for recruitment as Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs) in Arts/ Non-Medical/ Medical/ Shastri/ L.T/ JBT/ Punjabi/ Urdu Subjects. The exams will be conducted for 2 hours and 30 minutes.

The exam dates for Arts, Medical, Punjabi, Urdu, JBT, Shastri, Non- Medical have been declared. 

HP TET Exam 2020: Revised Time Table

Candidates who have applied for the teacher eligibility test will be required to check the below schedule for exam:

Exam Name Date
Art and Medical Exams December 12, 2020
Punjabi and Urdu Exams December 13, 2020
JBT and Shastri December 14, 2020
TGT ( Non-Medical) and Language TET Exam December 15, 2020

Also read: HPTET Exam 2020: Himachal Pradesh HC directs the government to provide minimum marks relaxation to sports candidates