FTII JET 2021 Admission Schedule to be Released Soon, Check details here

The JET 2021 admission schedule will be released soon as usually the registrations and application forms are released in the month of December every year. The JET (Joint entrance test) is conducted on behalf of the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) and Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (SRFTI).

While the admission schedule is released generally in the month of December every year, but due to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, this year the registration process is likely to be postponed and application forms may be released in the month of January 2021.

However, the exam officials have not specified yet whether there will be a delay in the release of the JET 2021 schedule.

Read: Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute (SRFTI) Admission 2020

Applicants who are interested in applying for admission to the PG Diploma courses offered in the field of Television and Films can apply once the portal is open. 

Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) and Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (SRFTI) will provide admission to the eligible students who will successfully qualify the JET 2021 test and its Personal Interview (PI) round.

FTII JET 2021: Important Dates

Events Dates
Release of FTII JET Application Forms Second week of December, 2020
Last Date to Apply for FTII JET Last week of January 2021
Issue of JET Admit Cards First week of February 2021
FTII JET 2021 Third week of February 2021
Declaration of Results Third week of May 2021
Interview Round Fourth week of May 2021
Release of final merit list First week of June 2021
Classes Commence First week of July 2021

Read: FTII Pune Admission 2021
